Page 139 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 139

Regulation OTAR Part 121 - CAT - Large Aeroplanes

                                        (b)  if the aircraft is to be flown in accordance with the instrument flight rules, has flown a minimum of
                                            three instrument approaches in the previous 90 days or has otherwise demonstrated
                                            competence through a flight check with a flight examiner.
                                        (c)  The operator shall not assign a pilot to act in the capacity of cruise relief pilot unless, within the
                                            preceding 90 days, that pilot has either:
                                             (1)  operated as pilot-in-command, co-pilot or cruise relief pilot on the same type of
                                                 aeroplane; or
                                             (2)  carried out flying skill refresher training including normal, abnormal and emergency
                                                 procedures specific to cruise flight on the same type of aeroplane or in a flight simulator
                                                 approved for the purpose, and has practiced approach and landing procedures, where
                                                 the approach and landing procedure practice may be performed as the pilot who is not
                                                 flying the aeroplane.
                                                 Note: See also 121.965 when a pilot is flying several variants of the same type of
                                                 aircraft or different types of aircraft with similar characteristics in terms of operating
                                                 procedures, systems and handling; credit may be approved for operation of similar
                                                 types or variants.

             OTAR.121.920            Flight crew duty assignment
                                      The operator shall:
                                        (a)  designate a pilot to act as pilot-in-command for each flight;
                                        (b)  designate any additional flight crew member that may be required by the type of aeroplane
                                            operated, the type of operation to be performed and the duration of the flight to augment the
                                            minimum crew specified in the aeroplane flight manual;
                                        (c)  assign to each member of flight crew the functions to be carried out in the event of an aircraft
                                            emergency and of an emergency evacuation becoming necessary;
                                        (d)  ensure that whenever an aircraft includes a separate flight engineer’s station the assigned flight
                                            crew includes at least one flight engineer especially assigned to that station, unless the duties
                                            associated with that station can adequately be performed by another flight crew member holding
                                            a flight engineer licence without interference with regular duties; and
             OTAR.121.925            Pilot-in-command - experience requirements
                                      The operator shall ensure that each person designated as pilot-in-command of an aircraft has acquired,
                                      prior to commencing the training specified in Subpart I for pilot-in-command, at least the minimum flight
                                      time specified in the operations manual.
             OTAR.121.930            Pilot experience
                                      The operator shall ensure that any person operating as a pilot of a commercial air transport operation:
                                        (a)  is suitably trained and qualified on the aeroplane type; and
                                        (b)  is capable, in the event of the pilot-in-command being incapacitated:
                                             (1)  of operating the aeroplane safely under the prevailing and anticipated forecast weather
                                                 conditions; and
                                             (2)  of landing the aeroplane at the intended destination or a suitable alternate.

             OTAR.121.935            Pilot operating limitations
                                      The operator shall specify any pilot operating limitations in the operations manual.
             OTAR.121.940            Cabin crew duty assignment
                                      The operator shall ensure that an aircraft with an MAPSC of more than 19 and on which at least one
                                      passenger is carried:
                                        (a)  unless otherwise authorised by the Governor shall carry no fewer than the number of cabin crew
                                             (1)  specified by the manufacturer’s recommended emergency evacuation procedures for
                                                 the aeroplane configuration being used;
                                             (2)  specified by the certified design criteria for the aeroplane;
                                             (3)  that will ensure at least one cabin crew member is present in each occupied
                                                 compartment; who has, wherever possible a direct view of the compartment; and
                                             (4)  in accordance with the formula of 1 cabin crew member for every 50 or fraction of 50
                                                 passenger seats installed in the aeroplane.
                                        (b)  there are designated for each flight:
                                             (1)  requiring two or more cabin crew, a senior cabin crew member responsible to the pilot-
                                                 in-command for the operational and safety functions of each cabin crew member; and
                                             (2)  requiring six or more cabin crew, a deputy senior cabin crew member.
                                        (c)  notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (a)(4), one fewer cabin crew member than that
                                            specified may be carried to allow the continuation of a flight in the event a required cabin crew
                                            member becomes unfit because of sickness or injury during their duty period, provided that:
                                             (1)  the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1), (2), and (3) can be met; and
                                             (2)  the remaining cabin crew are trained and competent to operate safely with the reduced
                                                 number of cabin crew in accordance with the procedures specified in the operations
                                                 manual; and
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