Page 144 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 144

Regulation OTAR Part 121 - CAT - Large Aeroplanes

                                             (2)  for a flight engineer, required by paragraph 121.1040.

             OTAR.121.1030           Pilot operating experience
                                        (a)  The operator shall ensure that each person performing the functions of a pilot holds the licences
                                            and ratings required to be held under OTAR Part 61 and has completed, on the type and variant
                                            of the aeroplane and in the crew member position that the person will serve in, the following
                                            minimum operating experience as applicable:
                                             (1)  for the introduction segment
                                                   (i)  for multi-engine aeroplanes powered by turbo-propeller engines – 20 hours
                                                       and 10 take-offs and landings; and
                                                   (ii)  for turbojet and turbofan powered aeroplanes – 25 hours and 10 take-offs and
                                                       landings; and
                                                   (iii)  for all aeroplanes, including those referred to in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and (ii) –
                                                       four operating cycles of which at least two shall be as the pilot flying; and
                                             (2)  for the transition or upgrade segment:
                                                   (i)  for multi-engine aeroplanes powered by turbo-propeller engines – 12 hours
                                                       and 8 take-offs and landings; and
                                                   (ii)  for turbojet and turbofan powered aeroplanes – 10 hours and 8 take-offs and
                                                       landings, or 20 hours and 10 take-offs and landings for pilot-in-command; and
                                                   (iii)  for all aeroplanes, including those referred to in paragraphs (a)(2)(i) and (ii) –
                                                       four operating cycles of which at least two shall be as the pilot flying.
                                        (b)  The operating experience required by paragraph (a) shall be acquired on the appropriate
                                            aeroplane type as follows:
                                             (1)  After satisfactory completion of the appropriate ground and flight training for the
                                                 aeroplane type and crew member position in accordance with OTAR Part 61.
                                             (2)  Under the supervision of an instructor who meets the requirements in paragraph
                                             (3)  Under commercial air transport operating conditions and:
                                                   (i)  simulated in a flight simulator for the aeroplane type; or
                                                   (ii)  conducted in the aeroplane type.

                                        (c)  For the purpose of paragraph (b)(3)(ii) the instructor shall:
                                             (1)  act as pilot-in-command at all times; and
                                             (2)  occupy a pilot station when supervising a pilot acquiring the experience necessary for a
                                                 pilot-in-command position, until the qualifying pilot has:
                                                   (i)  made at least two take-offs and landings in the aeroplane type for which the
                                                       pilot-in-command qualification is required; and
                                                   (ii)  demonstrated to the instructor the ability to perform the duties of a pilot-in-
                                                       command for that aeroplane type; and
                                                   (iii)  if the qualifying pilot-in-command is completing introduction or upgrade
                                                       training, demonstrated to a flight examiner the ability to satisfactorily perform
                                                       the prescribed duties during at least one complete operating cycle.
                                        (d)  The instructor may occupy the observer’s seat upon the requirements of paragraph (c)(2) being
             OTAR.121.1035           Pilot line-operating flight time
                                        (a)  The operator shall ensure that after each pilot completes an introduction or transition segment of
                                            its training programme, the pilot completes the line-operating flight time required by paragraph (b)
                                            under the supervision of a suitably qualified instructor.
                                        (b)  The combined total of line-operating flight time and the operating experience required by
                                            paragraph 121.1025 shall be as specified in the operations manual.
                                        (c)  The pilot shall operate exclusively on the appropriate aeroplane type while completing line-
                                            operating flight time experience unless refresher training that is acceptable to the Governor is
                                            provided and satisfactorily passed.

             OTAR.121.1040           Flight engineer operating requirements
                                        (a)  The operator shall ensure that each person performing the functions of a flight engineer, flight
                                            engineer instructor or flight engineer examiner holds licences and ratings in accordance with
                                            OTAR Part 63.
                                        (b)  The operator shall ensure that each person performing the functions of a flight engineer, flight
                                            engineer instructor, or flight engineer examiner shall carry out appropriate training as approved by
                                            the Governor.
                                        (c)  The operator shall ensure that a recently qualified flight engineer shall operate exclusively on the
                                            appropriate aeroplane type while completing line-operating flight time experience unless training
                                            that is acceptable to the Governor is provided and satisfactorily passed.
             OTAR.121.1045           Cabin crew training
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