Page 146 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 146

Regulation OTAR Part 121 - CAT - Large Aeroplanes

             OTAR.121.1100           Competency assessment programme
                                        (a)  The operator shall establish and control an competency assessment programme in accordance
                                            with this Subpart.
                                        (b)  Details of the competency assessment programme shall be contained in the operations manual
                                            and shall be approved by the Governor.
                                        (c)  The operator shall ensure that each crew member that is subject to a competency assessment
                                            is assessed in accordance with the programme.
                                        (d)  The competency assessment programme shall take account of at least the following areas, as
                                            applicable to the responsibilities of the crew member:
                                             (1)  the provisions of the appropriate OTARs and the operations specifications and
                                                 operations manual; and
                                             (2)  technical details of each aeroplane type and variant operated, including aeroplane
                                                 systems, performance and operating procedures, such as may apply; and
                                             (3)  special flight operations as appropriate; and
                                             (4)  new equipment, procedures, and techniques.
             OTAR.121.1105           Flight crew competency checks
                                        (a)  The operator shall ensure that the competency assessment programme provides for at least the
                                            following assessments of flight crew competency:
                                             (1)  Operator proficiency check (OPC);
                                             (2)  Operator line check (OLC);
                                             (3)  Safety and emergency equipment check;
                                             (4)  Route and aerodrome competence; and
                                             (5)  Such additional right hand seat/left hand seat checking as may be required.
                                        (b)  Where it is intended to revalidate or renew the aircraft type or class rating at the same time as an
                                            operator proficiency check, additional elements of the check must be specified within the
                                            competency assessment programme.

             OTAR.121.1115           Operator proficiency check (OPC)
                                        (a)  The OPC shall be valid for a period of six calendar months in addition to the remainder of the
                                            month of issue; if the OPC is conducted within the final 3 calendar months of the previous OPC
                                            with the same operator, the OPC shall be valid from the date of issue until 6 calendar months
                                            from the expiry of the previous OPC.
                                        (b)  The OPC shall ensure that each flight crew member demonstrates competence in carrying out
                                            normal, abnormal and emergency manoeuvres.
                                        (c)  The OPC for each flight crew member shall be conducted as part of a normal flight crew
                                        (d)  Where flight crew members are required to operate in accordance with the instrument flight
                                            rules, the OPC shall be conducted without external visual reference.
                                        (e)  The OPC shall include the following elements unless such manoeuvres are not required by virtue
                                            of the aeroplane type:
                                             (1)  Rejected take off (provided that where an approved flight simulator is not available, this
                                                 shall be conducted by touch drills only); and
                                             (2)  Take off with engine failure between V1 and V2, or as soon as can be safely made; and
                                             (3)  Precision instrument approach to approved minima with, for multi engine aeroplanes,
                                                 one engine inoperative; and
                                             (4)  Non-precision approach to approved minima; and
                                             (5)  Missed approach from minima, flown by reference to instruments only and with (for
                                                 multi engine aeroplanes) one engine inoperative; and
                                             (6)  Landing with one engine inoperative (for multi engine aeroplanes).
                                             (7)  In addition to the elements prescribed in subparagraphs (e)(1) to (6) above, every other
                                                 check shall include the mandatory items of the proficiency checks contained in OTAR
                                                 Part 61.
                                        (f)  Where an approved flight simulator is not available and an OPC must be completed on the
                                            aircraft type, engine failures must be simulated and the conditions for simulating engine failure
                                            specified in the training and competency assessment programmes.
             OTAR.121.1120           Operator line check
                                        (a)  The operator line check (OLC) shall be valid for a period of twelve calendar months in addition to
                                            the remainder of the month of issue; if the OLC is conducted within the final 3 calendar months of
                                            the previous OLC with the same operator, the OLC shall be valid from the date of issue until 12
                                            calendar months from the expiry of the previous OLC.
                                        (b)  The OLC shall ensure that each flight crew member demonstrates competence in carrying out
                                            normal line operations as specified in the operations manual.
                                        (c)  The OLC for each flight crew member shall be conducted on the aircraft, as part of a normal
                                            flight crew complement. The line check shall include pre-flight and post flight procedures and use
                                            of any equipment provided on the aircraft.
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