Page 147 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 147
Regulation OTAR Part 121 - CAT - Large Aeroplanes
OTAR.121.1125 Safety and emergency equipment checks
(a) The safety and emergency equipment and procedures check (SEPC) shall be valid for a period
of twelve calendar months in addition to the remainder of the month of issue; if the SEPC is
conducted within the final 3 calendar months of the previous SEPC with the same operator, the
SEPC shall be valid from the date of issue until 12 calendar months from the expiry of the
previous SEPC.
(b) The SEPC may be conducted at the same time as safety and emergency procedures (SEP)
(c) The SEPC shall cover those elements provided by SEP training, including those elements
specified at 121.985.
OTAR.121.1130 Route and aerodrome competence
(a) Route and aerodrome competence (RAEC) shall remain valid for a period of twelve calendar
months in addition to the remainder of the month of issue or the month of the latest operation on
the route or to the aerodrome/heliport. If RAEC is revalidated within the final 3 calendar months of
the previous RAEC assessment, with the same operator, then RAEC shall be valid from the date
of issue until 12 calendar months from the expiry of the previous RAEC.
(b) RAEC shall ensure that a pilot has sufficient knowledge of the routes and aerodromes (including
alternates) that may be required to be used, including those facilities and procedures that may
(c) RAEC for a pilot-in-command shall include at least one flight over one route segment and one or
more landings at aerodromes representative of the operations to be flown. Each pilot-in-
command shall have made an actual approach into each aerodrome of landing on the route,
accompanied by a pilot who is qualified for the aerodrome, as a member of the flight crew or as
an observer on the flight deck, unless:
(1) the approach to the aerodrome is not over difficult terrain and the instrument approach
procedures and aid available are similar to those with which the pilot is familiar, and a
margin approved by the Governor is added to the normal operating minima, or there is
reasonable certainty that approach and landing can be made in visual meteorological
conditions; or
(2) the descent from the initial approach altitude can be made by day in visual
meteorological conditions; or
(3) the operator qualifies the pilot-in-command to land at the aerodrome concerned by
means of an adequate pictorial presentation.
(d) RAEC shall include knowledge of the following elements:
(1) terrain and minimum safe altitudes; and
(2) seasonal meteorological conditions that may apply; and
(3) meteorological, communication and air traffic facilities, services and procedures; and
(4) search and rescue procedures; and
(5) navigational facilities and procedures, including any long-range navigation procedures,
associated with the route along which the flight is to take place; and
(6) procedures applicable to flight paths over heavily populated areas and areas of high air
traffic density; and
(7) aerodrome obstructions, physical layout and lighting; and
(8) approach aids associated with arrival, departure, holding and approach procedures and
applicable operating minima.
(e) Revalidation of route and aerodrome competence shall be carried out by operating on the route
or to the aerodrome within the period of validity described in (a). The operator shall not continue
to utilise a pilot as a pilot-in-command on a route unless, within the preceding 12 months, the
pilot has made at least one trip between the terminal points of that route as a pilot member of the
flight crew, or as a check pilot, or as an observer on the flight deck. In the event that more than I2
months elapse in which a pilot has not made such a trip on a route in close proximity and over
similar terrain, prior to again serving as a pilot-in-command on that route, that pilot shall re-qualify
by means of an assessment provided by a flight examiner.
OTAR.121.1135 Right hand seat / left hand seat checks
(a) The competency assessment programme shall specify those pilots that may be required to
operate in an alternate pilot seating position and will require left hand/right hand seat competency
(b) Competency checks for alternate pilot seating positions (left hand or right hand seat checks)
shall include at least the following elements:
(1) An engine failure during take off; and
(2) An approach and go-around flown with one engine inoperative; and
(3) A landing with one engine inoperative.
When engine-out manoeuvres are carried out in an aircraft, the engine failure must be simulated.
(c) In addition to the elements specified in (b), each pilot shall also demonstrate knowledge of any
procedures that would normally be assigned only to the left hand/right hand seat holder.
(d) When operating in an alternate pilot seating position those checks required for piloting in the
normal seating position must be current.
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