Page 141 - Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements Consolidated - Total AOC
P. 141
Regulation OTAR Part 121 - CAT - Large Aeroplanes
(a) The operator may, with the approval of the Governor, utilise synthetic training devices (STDs) to
complete part of the recurrent flight training required within its training programme. The operator
shall ensure that each aircraft flight simulator or other synthetic training device used in its training
programme is specified in the operations manual, and is of an appropriate type for the training
being undertaken. STDs shall only be used for those parts of the checks for which their use has
been specifically approved.
(b) When conducting training that requires equipment or resources that are not used solely for
training, the operator shall ensure that sufficient access is available to the equipment or
resources to enable the training to be completed:
(1) without planned interruption, and
(2) in an environment that is conducive to the objective and safety of the task
OTAR.121.965 Synthetic training devices
(a) The operator shall ensure that each synthetic training device (STD) on which flight-time credit
may be accrued is specifically approved by the Governor for:
(1) use by the operator; and
(2) the aeroplane type and, if applicable, the particular variant within that type, for which the
training or check is being conducted; and
(3) the particular manoeuvre, procedure, or crew member function involved.
(b) The operator shall ensure that each STD where flight time credit may be accrued:
(1) maintains the performance, functional, and other characteristics that are required for
approval; and
(2) is modified to conform with any modification made to the aircraft being simulated that
results in changes to performance, functional, or other characteristics required for
approval; and
(3) is given a daily functional pre-flight check before being used and any discrepancy is
logged by the appropriate flight crew supervisor or instructor at the end of each training
or check flight.
(c) An approved STD may be used by more than one operator provided it is specifically approved for
use by each operator.
OTAR.121.970 Training instructors
(a) The operator shall ensure that the training programme specifies:
(1) the minimum knowledge, qualifications and experience required of any training
instructor or supervisor; and
(2) the type of training, practice or supervision that each instructor is entitled to provide;
(3) the aircraft type that each instructor is entitled to give instruction or supervision on.
(b) Each training instructor shall be provided with a copy of the training programme, the competency
assessment programme and such parts of the operations manual as may apply.
OTAR.121.975 Crew member training programme
(a) The operator shall ensure that the training programme required under 121.950(a) includes initial
and recurrent training as applicable to the crew member
(b) The operator shall ensure the training programme contains segments for:
(1) introduction training; and
(2) transition training; and
(3) upgrade training; and
(4) recurrent training.
(c) Throughout the training programme applicable to an aeroplane type, the operator shall provide
crew with an aeroplane flight manual containing the normal, abnormal and emergency
procedures relating to the operation of the aeroplane. The manual shall include details of the
aeroplane systems and of the checklists to be used. The design of the manual shall observe
human factors principles. The aeroplane flight manual shall remain available to crew members
while they are assigned to operate that aeroplane type.
(d) The operator may include in the crew member training programme for flight crew, the use of an
aeroplane for manoeuvres and training that are acceptable to the Governor.
OTAR.121.980 Pilot training requirements
(a) The operator shall ensure that the training programme specifies the minimum standards of
qualification and experience required of pilots for each type of flying operation conducted by the
operator, including the requirements for entry into conversion or type training courses or other
role specific training.
(b) The operator shall ensure that when establishing pilot training requirements at least the following
factors shall be taken into account:
(1) the pilot’s flying experience; and
(2) the availability and experience of other crew members; and
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