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                                             I’M too young to march in the
                                               infantry —
                                          Hide with the cavalry — shoot with
                                          I’m too young to fly over land and sea —
                                          But I’m in the Lord’s Army.”

                                            As Crusaders we are soldiers in the
                                          army of the Lord Jesus Christ, endeav
                                          ouring to serve Him and defeat the

                                            We are indeed grateful to Mr.
              Christian Way of Life       Perry and all those who have made
          for Young People                Crusader meetings in our school pos

          of all Creeds.                  sible. Especially we would like to
                                          thank Mrs. Robertson and Mr. Forward

                                          who come to our school every Tuesday
                                          to conduct these meetings.
                                            Some special activities during the
                                          year. beside our regular Bible study,
                                          have been a swimming carnival, camps
                                          at Mt. Tamborine and Toowoomba,
                                          presentation of badges by Miss Wright
                                          and the Billy Graham Crusade.
                                            This Crusade conducted by an Amer
                                          ican Evangelist has been a real bless
                                          ing not only to individuals but also to
                                          our Crusader group as a whole. During
                                          that time our hearts were filled and
                                          rejoiced at the “Greatness of God” and
                                          many lives were dedicated to His

           Girl Leader: BARBARA ARNOLD
           Boy Leader: JOHN SANDS            Qroup

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