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By D. Ingram and R. Shepherd

           January 27th: “All hope abandon, ye who enter here.” — Dante.
                        School began today. Mr. Perry, our principal, “welcomed us
                        to school for another year of good work.” New arrivals were
                        Mr. T. C. Baker-Finch as deputy principal, Mr. F. Boylan, Mr.
                        B. Gallwey, Mr. K. McCarthy, Mr. L. Williams, Miss M.
                        McClanachan, Miss R. Sleuth who left soon after, Mr. A. J.
                        Kitchin, Mr. C. Robertson, Mr. M. Thorne. Mrs. E. Taege,
                        Miss B. Felton, Miss M. Rowse, Miss D. Yarrow. Mr. A. .John
                        ston. Miss B. Tomkins, Miss Hawkins, Mr. Mayfield. “Parting
                        is such sweet sorrow.”
                        Good-bye to the familiar faces of Mr. S. Garrett, former
                        deputy-principal, who was transferred to Salisbury; Miss M.
                        Hegarty, Mr. C. Law, Mrs. E. Eden, Miss J. McKinnon, Mr.
                        G. Williams, Mr. J. Johnson, Miss H. Valtilla, Mr. M. Rich.
           February 2nd: The new prefects and school captains were introduced on
                        Presentation of prefects’ badges.
                        First Term Service. Girls addressed by Rev. A. Wilson and
                        Boys by Rev. II. Ralph Heaton.
           February 3rd: First Crusader Meeting of the year with Mrs. Robertson as
                        “No man in his senses will dance.” — Cicero.
                        J. Sandy Robertson commenced his dancing classes at Manly
                        R.S.L. Hall.
           February 4th: “I am not now
                        That which I have been.” — Byron.
                        School re-divided into four houses—Cunningham, Kennedy,
                        Mitchell. Oxley.
           February 11th: Commencement of Cricket Season.
           February 18th: Cadets paraded at 5 Cadet Bn. H.Q. for uniforms.
                        “Blessed be agriculture! If one does not have too much of
                        it.” — Warner.
                        Once more we brought along grass runners to try to encourage
                        our new oval to turn green.
           February 19th: “Hark! I hear the tramp of thousands
                        And of armed men the hum.” — Bret Harte.
                        First Cadet Parade.
           February 23rd.: Intermediate Swimming Carnival won by Cunningham.
           March 4th: A tennis demonstration was given by Davis Cup Squad player.
                        Rod Laver, and celebrated player, Frank Gorman. It was

                  ★ This Page generously donated by SPEE-DEE DRY CLEANERS,
           Lambridge Parade, Manly.

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