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played on the school courts and after the match between these
                        two players. Rod Laver teamed with David Banney and they
                        were defeated by Frank Gorman and Malcolm Bunney.
                        High School Girls’ Diving Championship held at Manly Baths.
                        Open Division won by Pam Clark: Under Sixteen Division by
                        Janice Coulter.
           March 6th: Boys’ Diving Championships held at Manly Baths. “Open” won
                        by John Burnett. “Under Sixteen” by Jim Thallon.
           March 7th: “Give me the heart to fight—and lose.” — Untermeyer.
                        Girls G.P.S. Swimming Carnival held at Valley Baths. Somer
                        ville House won. gaining 94 points. Wynnum High and More-
                        ton Bay tied for last with 0 points.
           March 10th : “Love the sea? 1 dote upon it—from the beach.” — Douglas
                        Inter-house Swimming Carnival held at Langland's Park
                        Swimming Pool. Won by Oxley.
           March 12th: “Above the pitch, out of tune, and off the hinges.” — Rabelais.
                        First Dinner-hour Concert arranged by Miss Pigram.
           March 20th: Took part in Q.S.S.S.S.A. Swimming Carnival.
           March 27th to 31st: Easter Holidays.
           April 3rd: Girls took part in McWhirter Cup Life Saving Contest—stepped
                        up a place to come sixth out of seven.
           April 8th: Opening of Football Season.
           April 8th to 16th: “Tis toil’s reward, that sweetens industry.” — Elliot.
                        First Term Exam.
           April 14th: “Music hath charms to sooth the savage breast.”
                        Visit to Symphony Concert given by Queensland Symphony
           April 18th: Mr. Gunn, M.L.A.. opened Annual School Fete.
           April 17th to 24th: “So comes a reck-ning when the banquets o'er
                        The dreadful reck’ning, and men smile no more.” — Gay.
                        Exam. Results — Need we say More ?
           April 24th: Anzac Day Service at School.
           April 25th: Cadets paraded in Anzac Day celebrations at Wynnum.
           April 29th: School 1st Term Social and presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Garrett
                        was held at Wynnum R.S.L. Hall.
                        A.M.E.B. Exams.
           April 30th: Several of our teachers and past students featured in the Gradua
                        tion Ceremony at City Hall.
           May 2nd to 10th: May Vacation.
           May 11th: School recommenced with Second Term Service.—Boys addressed
                        by Rev. E. Edwards, girls by Rev. H. Ralph Heaton. Arrival
                        of our first school secretary. Miss Janet Scales. Mr. McCarthy
                        replaced by Mr. Weise.
           May 13th: Girls went to Commercial for first inter-school basket ball match
                        of the season.
           May 27th: Mr. Perry went into hospital for an operation. School in charge
                        of Mr. Baker-Finch.
           May 8th: School visited by Billy Graham Team Members: Bill Brown, John
                        and Noelene O'Hara
           June 3rd: “Culture, with us, ends in headache.” — Emerson.
                        A group of students and teachers went to hear the Sydney
                        Symphony Orchestra conducted by Ernest Llewellyn.
           June 24th: “All sorrows are bearable.” — Cervantes.
                        Mr. Perry still away after a month.
           July 1st: A group of students visited Bremer High School to play basketball.
                        football. hockey and ball games.
           July 3rd: Combined State Secondary Schools' Football Dance attended by a
                        group of Wynnum students.
           July 6th: In the belief that “the worst of faces still is human'' (Lavater).
                        School photos were taken.
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