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Cadet Camp

                                 “Fine Spirit of co-operation
                                     among all ranks
                                  CAPT. D. IT. GRIFFITH

            FOUR Officers of Cadets, three Cadet
               Under-Officers and eighty-one other
            ranks attended the Annual Camp at
            Greenbank from 4th-5th to 15th August, 1959.
                 The Unit was below strength owing to the shortage of staff at Battalion
            which militated against issue of clothing and equipment to replacements for
            normal cadet wastage during the year.
            Unit Area - -
                 The Unit was fortunate in having one of the best lines areas available
            and the Quartermaster in charge of the advance party, Lt. J. Kingsbury, took
            full advantage of this in an excellent layout of platoon lines, messing areas.
            administrative and “Q" tents.
            March In - -
                 On the arrival of the main body on Wednesday, 5th August, the area
            showed evidence of much hard work by the advance party. Settling in.
            issues, area development and medical inspections were arranged in priority
            and under the direction of WOII Roulston, Unit Headquarters was estab
            lished. NCO’s and duty personnel went about their duties efficiently and by
            the end of Day 1 the Unit was beginning to function as a Unit.
                 The value of pre-camp planning was again demonstrated by the quick
            integration of administration, training and “Q”.
            Training - -
                 A new scheme of training was introduced by the Battalion Commander.
            Major II. Williams. Second year personnel and specialists were detached for
            five days for training organised by Battalion. First year cadets were a Unit
                 (i)  Second Year Infantry
                    Second year infantry consisting of -1 and 5 sections of 2 platoon
                    under CUO M. McDonald, attended training demonstrations in
                    minor infantry tactics for the first three days and on Monday and
                    Tuesday engaged in an interesting patrolling exercise on a socially
                    selected circuit. Umpires attached to CUO McDonald’s platoon
                    commented most favourably on the enthusiasm and efficiency of the
                (ii)  Medical Personnel
                    The Unit medical section was detached for specialist medical in
                    struction and during stand-down hours, assisted with work at the
                    Regimental Aid Post and in the treatment of feet at “Churchie”.
                    WOII Lawrence, in charge of medical instruction, commented on
                    the excellent work performed by Sgt. Ament and his team through
                    out the course and the Battalion Commander made special mention
                    of the high examination average obtained by the group. Our Cadets
                    topped the course with an average of 91 per cent.
                (iii)   Medium Machine Gun Section
                    MMG personnel were detached for specialist training. A confiden
                    tial report submitted by WOII Murray in charge of the course.
                    praised Sgt. Ede and his gunners for their high standard of
                (iv)  Intelligence Section
                    The Intelligence Section under Sgt. Hastings was also detached
                    for specialist training, the syllabus for which contained a con-
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