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                    siderable amount of outside work of a highly interesting nature.
                    CUO J. Sands, under Capt. W. Goossens of Brisbane State High
                    was attached as an instructor, Capt. Goossens reported that he
                    was very favourably impressed with the work of the section.
                 (v)  First Year Personnel
                    Nos. 6-7-8-9 Sections and first year band personnel, responded
                    enthusiastically under the leadership of CUO K. Lindley. In the
                    “close” country adjacent to the unit lines, very interesting exer
                    cises in fieldcraft were planned and taught. I am certain that our
                    first year cadets learned a lot and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
                (vi)  Range Practices
                    First year cadets took part in a PART I Practice on the 30 yards
                    range. Teams completed in the Earl Roberts and Chelmsford
                    Shoots at ENOGGERA.
                        Results were only fair. Skill at arms in this unit has never
                    been above average and in 1960 our efforts will be directed to im-

                                    CADETS .... 1959
   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118