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P. 115

Unit Exercise - -
                As a fitting conclusion to camp the unit conducted an interesting tactical
          exercise in which second year cadets and specialist i>ersonnel took part. An
          excellent model was constructed by Sgt. Hastings and his Intelligence Section
          under the guidance of CUO J. Sands, and this provided tine training for the
          group.  The Platoon attack on the PUMP HOUSE with medium machine gun
          support was an exercise designed to consolidate all lessons learned in field
          craft, weapon training, and minor tactics. Issue or orders, movement to the
          assault area, time and space problems were skilfully handled by CUO Mc
          Donald and his Section Leaders. The horrible screams of the “enemy” as

                 Back Row: Lt. J. McCormack, Capt. D. Griffith.
                 Front Row: W.O. J. Roulston, V/O. M. McDonald, V/O. J.
                 Sands, V/O. K. Lindley, Staff Sgt. G. Ozols, Sgt. S. Robinson,
                     Sgt. P. Lucas.

          they were annihilated (by numbers, as directed by OC “Enemy”, Lt. McC.).
          the noise of many blanks, bloodcurdling yells from the assault force, mingling
          with the explosion of thunderflashes thrown about gaily by the Padre, pro
          vided the necessary war orchestra accompaniment for realism.
                An exercise of this kind is a “must” towards the end of Camp.
          General - -
                In my opinion, the camp was completely worthwhile. The detachment
          of second year cadets and specialist personnel caused a feeling of personal
          loss in the Unit. I beleive that this Unit is very nearly able to train itself:
          but the necessity for pooling of training stores, shortage of ARA Instructors
          and the advantage of standardizing the training of the Battalion, outweighed
          the disadvantages.
                The Camp further enhanced the reputation of the Unit. Comments
          from Command and Staff, ARA Instructors, CUO’s from other Units and
          even from civilian fatigue personnel, left no doubts as to the high standard
          of the Unit.

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