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was Mr. Hazell who tutored us for the remainder of the season. During this
           period, we adopted a style of football new to us, that of dispensing with our
           backs and playing a game in which the forwards dominated the play. These
           tactics paid off to the extent that we chalked up three wins in a row and
           were defeated only in the final game of the season.
                 Our team was ably led by Don Dowding who showed reel determination.
           Alan McKell was a tower of strength and was well supported by Denis Davis,
           and Richard Copland. In the backs, Barry Rodgers did some valuable work.
                 Team Record—Played 9, won 4, lost 5. Points: For 40, Against 46.
                 The captain, on behalf of the “C” team would like to extend a special
           vote of thanks to Mr. Hazell who gave us some excellent coaching at a time
           when we needed it most.
                                                                  — D. D.
           UNDER 7 STONE - -
                 The coach was Mr. Williams and the team consisted of the following
           boys: B. Martin. G. King, E. Denishenko, J. Heslewood, T. Urwin. L.
           Wyeth, R. McMahon (Captain), W. Virgen (Vice-Captain), D. Ball. B. Harper,
           M. Bugler, and N. Cumner, R. Bolitho and D. Reid were reserves.
                 The team met with reasonable success and was runner-up in our zone.
           Injuries set the team back in the early part of the season. In spite of this we
           enjoyed victories in our first two matches, defeating Camp Hill 9-3 and
           Salisbury 13-3. We suffered defeat against Industrial 13-9 in a hard game.
           Tries were even, being three to each team. Later in the season we avenged
           this defeat by winning against Industrial 15-5. Our other losses were to
           Balmoral 6-5 and twice to Cavendish Road 23-2 and 8-0. It is worthy of
           note that Cavendish Road, the eventual Premiers, were the only team to
           defeat us in the second half of the competition. This second game against
           Cavendish Road was a thriller. The scores were nil all until five minutes
           before time but the better side asserted itself. Good luck Cavendish Road.
           8 STONE - -
                 This team, with Mr. O’Mara again as coach and John Burnett and
           Robin Ricketts as Captain and Vice-Captain, won the south zone premiership
           but lost 12-0 to Banyo in the Metropolitan final.
                 The first match of the first round resulted in a hard game in which we
           narrowly defeated Camp Hill 6-3. Against Salisbury we easily won 30-5.
           We then had our closest game of the season against Cavendish Road when
           we drew 8-8. Our easiest game was with Balmoral when we won 56-0.
                 We met Camp Hill in the second round and won 21-8. The game against
           Salisbury was won 26-3. The most important match of the season which
           actually clinched the zone premiership for us was when we met Cavendish
           Road and won 9-6 after a truly hard game. Our final game of the round
           against a much improved team since the first round. Balmoral, resulted in a
           17-0 win for us.
                 In the metropolitan final against the North Zone premiers, Banyo. we
           went down fighting to lose 12-0. As we had met this team previously during
           the season in a curtain-raiser at Lang Park and lost 26-0, this was certainly
           a great improvement.
                 Outstanding players during the season were Robin Ricketts who top
           scored with 80 points. John Burnett (39 points) and Warren Blaik (24
           points), in the backs, and Noel Gallagher, John Pyle and Roger Sands in the
                 Team Results—Won 7, drew 1, lost 1. Points: For 173, against 45.
                 Five (5) Rugby League teams from the Intermediate School partici-
           oated in the fixtures conducted by the Q.S.S.R.F.L. in the Open, 7st. 7lb.,
           6st. 10lb., 6st., and 5st. lb. divisions.
                 1959 proved to be our “blackest” year as. for the first time in our
           football history we did not win any premierships. However, all enjoyed the
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