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lighting spirit shown by the players augurs well for the game in the coining
        year.   The players in “B” grade were John Thallon, Robin Christophers. Jim
        Thallon and Rodney Hazell.
              The Inter-House Competition failed to reach finality due chiefly to
        adversities of Wednesday weather. It is hoped that this competition will
        BE possible in the coming year.
              School Champion was Malcolm Bunney with Ray Hallman a close
        second. The boys and girls playing tennis wish to thank the Wynnum Tennis
        Association and owners of private tennis courts who placed their courts at
        our disposal. With more than eighty boys participating, the necessity for
        courts can be understood. All the more reason therefore, that the use of
        these courts is appreciated by the boys and girls for their benefit and for that
        of the future of the game in the Wynnum District.
              Thanks to Mr. Cox for his supervision of the boys tennis.
        GIRLS - -
              The Wynnum High School girls “A” tennis team did not live up to the
        reputation of that of two years ago. We did manage to draw in two matches
        with Balmoral and Cavendish Road.
              The Premiers in our zone were Commercial High, who were fortunate
        enough to have Robyn Elurn, State Junior Champion. We do not make
        excuses. We will just have to make sure that we gather the laurels next
              We have lost one of our team mates, Lyn Tovey, to Commercial and we
        will miss her from the team. Diane Hargreaves (Captain). Aileen Barr.
        Marlene Hargreaves and Lyn Tovey formed our team.
              The girls “B” team had some successes with four wins, as against five
        losses and one draw. The team consisted of Glenda Bunney, Phyllis Har
        greaves, Loretta Blaney and Judith Pleace.
              This team also represented Wynnum in the G.P.S. fixtures. Although
        we were unable to win any matches we feed we have gained much benefit
        from them and hope our tennis will improve as a result of the competition.
              The spirit of fellowship in these matches made our Saturday mornings
        most enjoyable and gave us a chance to widen our circle of friendship.
              Our thanks go to Mrs. Innocend and to all who helped to make our
        tennis season such an enjoyable one.
              The Intermediate tennis teams have had another successful year. The
        boys’ team defeated other local schools and went on to represent the district
        in the metropolitan premiership competition, winning through to play in the
        final where they were unluckily defeated by Ithaca Creek.
              The girls won their district competition but were defeated by Moorooka
        when making their city debut. Players who have represented Wynnum Inter
        mediate this season include:—
              Girls: V. Cutlack, D. Carroll, D. Hastings, J. Street, G. Thompson.
                     C. Cooper, G. Mavektelow. E. Kirkman and K. Lastelle.
              Boys: D. Woodforth, G. Lopez, L. Surman, B. Fereday, A. Phipps,
                     N. Clarkson. J. Bennett and G. O’Neill.
              The Inter-House competition was won by Oxley, and the championships
        by Geraldine Thompson, and Lewis Surman.

        HOCKEY --
        THIS year, being the first in which hockey has been played at the school.
             was by no means a year of poor hockey. As soon as the players became
        accustomed to wielding the sticks, they began playing matches, and with the
        help of Mr. Baker-Finch, they gradually learnt the rules and regulations,
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