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LIFE SAVING - 1959 --

           ThIS year’s life-saving started off well with a large group of keenly
              interested swimmers most of whom had done no life saving previously.
           Many braved the early morning cold and spent many a lunch-time for extra
           training in preparations for the examinations held in May.
                Altogether 15 Intermediate Stars, 25 Proficiency Certificates, 7
           Elementary Certificates and 50 Resuscitation Certificates were gained, while
           W. Burrows and M. Wiggins gained their Bronze Medallions.
                With so many keen swimmers, it is hoped that the latter half of 1959
           will be even more successful.

           DEBATING - -

           THIS year the inter-house debating took on a new form, that of discussions.
              The houses competed in pairs — one house captain decided the
           subject while the other chose the speaker from the members. The subjects
           were topical ranging from juvenile delinquency and pyjama parties, to an
           international language and the White Australia Policy. The seniors spoke
           for three minutes and the juniors for two, each answering questions from the
           audience after his speech. This discussion which followed was usually lively
           and interesting. Patsy Coe and Nancy Bielenberg are to be congratulated
           on their stimulating discussion of the recent rise in Parliamentary salaries.
           Sixth Form seems to have some budding Politicians.
                Such discussions play an important part in training us to take our
           place in the adult world. Speaking extempore fosters speedy thought while
           It gives each student the opportunity to show his dialectical brilliance, or
           overcome his shyness as the case may be.
                Finally, all who have taken part in these discussions would like to thank
           Miss McClanachan for the interest she has shown and the invaluable advice
           she has given us.

                            “It’s not the guns or armament
                            Or the money they can pay.
                            It’s the close co-operation
                            That makes them win the day.
                            It’s not the individual
                            Or the army as a whole
                            But the everlasting teamwork
                            Of every bloomin’ soul.”
                                                          — J. M. Knox.

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