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League Team and together with Derek Horn in the Wynnum-Manly Rugby
          League Team. Neville Hokler and Bill Saunders played in the under 14
          team. George Crisp has played in the school tennis and cricket teams. Fred
          Alley also plays cricket.
               Robyn Drevisen has played in the basketball team for the school and
          she and Kaye Petersen are outstanding in swimming.
               Our top boy and girl are Stephen Martin and Beth Forward.
               Our artist Adri de Groot is a tine Maths student and she comes from
               Judith Allen also deserves mention for her school work.
               This is Form 2B signing off and wishing every one luck in the coming
          examinations. (Sigh !).

          FORM 2C--
                                 Teacher: Mr. Maccoll.
                    Form Captains: Marjorie Mee Lee; Geoff. Grimley.
               Residence: Room 15A where our labours in recent weeks have increased.
               Our homework, too. takes more of our time, but we are doing our
          best to cope as we are not allowed to forget the rapid approach of the
          Scholarship Examination date.
               Marjorie Mee Lee and Pat Yorke are our best girl students, and Peter
          Mathams and John Bingham have done well amongst the boys.
               Some very good results in Mothercraft were obtained by: Marjorie
          Mee Lee, Beryl Jeffcoat. Lois Jones and Lesley Hewitt.
               Beverley Clark, Minor Swimming Champion and Geraldine Thompson,
          Tennis Champion of the Intermediate, are two of our outstanding athletes.
          Prominent in athletics are Lyn Webb, Lois Jones and Gwenda Mitchell, while
          in the "Blues” School Basket Ball team were Dawn Clifford (captain). Fay
          Starkey and Lynn Webb.
               Our best boy athlete is Ivan Feige, winner of the Broad Jump, member
          of the winning relay team, and 3rd in the 100 yards.
               Soccer Players: Geoff. Grimley, Phillip Cross.
               league Players: Max Cameron. John Bingham, John Andrews. Graham
                    Nolan, Gary Steffensen.
                    Cricketers: Ivan Fiege, Ray Davidson, Max Cameron, Robert
                    Harris, David Stone.
               Cross Country: Best performances, Ivan Fiege. Ray Davidson. Keith
             Success for all examination candidates.

          FORM 2D--
                    We are, we are, we are We,
                    We are the glorious Form 2D,
                    We are our Form Master’s joy and glee.
                    The girls are good, polite and gay.
                        As for the boys .................... we’d letter not say ? (THAMS)
                                 Teacher: Mr. Johnston
                           Captains: Kaye Gough; Dennis Thams.
               We are having an excellent year under the direction of our teacher
          who has a keen interest and a keen eye, although bis favourite hobby seems
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