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to be ‘dishing’ out lines ! Champion receiver seems to BE G. O’B. Our top
          girl, Maija Barzdavis, has captained our school Basketball to victory. Con
          gratulations, Maija. Linda Neilsen, Marie Heymer, Shirley Wirth, Joan
          Hawthorne and Sandra Hazel are also outstanding Basketball players. Maija
          also represented us in the softball team. Lija is our Basketball umpire.
               Bonny Bill from Wynnum Hill, our top boy. has won several trophies
          for Scotch dancing.
               Ken Midson and Gary Lopez are our librarians and the latter also plays
               Graeme O’Brien has proved his ability in long distance running by
          coming home first of our form in the cross-country run. We think the ‘Class
          reward’ may have spurred him on.
               Our champion swimmer is Peter Castleton. June Knight, Brenda Rayner,
               Marie Heymer. Jeffrey Coulter and Neal Price represented the various
          houses in the recent Swimming Carnival.
               Rennie Laucklan and Jeffrey Coulter are our Soccer representatives.
          Rugby League players are Neal Price, Ray Lindermeyer, Neville Bartlett,
          Ken Midson. Robert Parker, John Clements. Brian Mitchell and Witold
          Supranowicz. Not forgetting the summer sport—cricket—Graeme O’Brien.
          Garry Collis, Brian Mitchell, Robert Parker and Renie Laucklin uphold us
          in that sport.
               We are settling down now in earnest for our final term, hoping every
          one will be successful. We also send our good wishes to the other forms
          and good luck for the exams.

          FORM 2E --
                              Form Teacher; Mr. McAllister.
                       Form Captains: Margaret McTaggart; Charles Feige.
                           Here we are Form 2E.
                           And very proud we are to be.
                           We are a class of forty-three,
                           A bright, intelligent Company.
               This is the “brainy” (?) class, calling from room 13(A). We
          heartily congratulate Glenys Sands and Allan Wright for topping the class
          in the term examinations.
               Narelle Lamb topped the class in Mother Craft whilst Glenys Sands
          toppped the class in Domestic Science. Honours also fall to Allan Wright who
          excells himself in Manual Training.
               Yvonne Beaumont did exceptionally well in both School and District
          Sports. She has broken several records in the past year. Charlie Feige has
          also been outstanding in the field of Athletics.
               B. Fereday is the only one to represent our class in tennis.
               The Rugby League enthusiasts are:—G. Hillary. W. Poulton, G. Gash,
          J. Graham, P. Roberts, S. Rabjohns. and R. Griffin (class clown). I. Grant,
          C. Feige and N. Roach participate in cricket. The one and only school basket
          baller in our class is Y. Beaumont. The soft-ballers are M. Bennet and T.
               Finally, we thank Mr. McAllister for his expert tuition during the past
          year, and wish all candidates success in their coming examinations.
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