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Top of Domestic Science: Merle Greenhalgh and Margo Martin.
               Mothercraft: All girls passed while Margo Martin came top of Form 2A.
               Rugby League: J. Smith (represented Brisbane and Queensland);
                    G. Woodbine; T. Burgess; D. Harris; J. Burr; N. Clayton; L.
                    McCullough: D. Illingworth: R. Fulton; J. Maccoll; R.
               Soccer: L. Harris (represented Brisbane); L. Hay; R. Dickfos; I.
               Cricket: J. Maccoll (captain of Oxley); N. Clayton: J. Burr; I.
                    Christie; J. Smith; L. Hay; G. Woodbine; L. Harris; J.
                    Bennet; R. McKelvie.
               Soft Ball: D. Zolte.
               Basketball: M. Greenhalgh: M. Martin; A. Horton; O. Young; B.
                    Olm; B. Tucker; D. Zolte; F. Maguire.
               Swimmers: R. Fulton; N. Clayton; D. Cory; M. Greenhalgh; O.
                    Young; M. Court; R. McKelvie.
               Life-Saving: Intermediate Star; M. Court; R. McKelvie. Proficiency
                    Certificate: M. Greenhalgh; O. Young.
               Athletics; Running: J. Bennet; M. Martin; J. Smith.
                    Jumping: J. Smith.
               Ball Games: A. Horton; M. Martin; M. Greenhalgh; O. Young; D.
                    Zolte: R. McKelvie: F. Maguire.
               Drama: B. Olm; J. Ross.
               In our class a number of musicians are found.
               Piano: T. Potter; B. Dunstan; D. Cory: R. McIllvenna: J. Burr;
                    Y. Edser.
               Piano Accordion: R. Fulton; N. Clayton.
               Drums: J. Smith.
               Guitar: J. Maccoll.
               Mouth Organ: E. Ceslis.
               Under the leadership of Miss Rowse we are being taught verse speaking.
               Our class likes are: Mr. Phillip. P.T. (Physical Torture).
                      School Films Sport Days.
               Our dislikes are: Test papers, Homework, Our one and only assembly,
               Mr. Phillips favourite saying is: “Don’t you know what stairs are
                    made for ?”
               Our humourists (they think so) are John Maccoll and Billy Furness
          who always try to keep the class awake with the “stale” jokes and remarks.
               Our walking book of knowledge is John Barr who excells in everything
          outside school-work.
               We would like to thank Mr. Phillips for trying to instill in our minds

          the necessities for our coming examinations, and we hope he will be satisfied
          if not surprised with our results.
               In ending we would like to wish all classes the best of luck In their
          coming examinations.

          FORM 2B--
               This is the intelligent (?) class of Form 2B
               We are the “happiest” kids you ever did see.
               In our sports we come out top.
               But in our work we are a  ---------- .
               Our form teacher, Mr. Lee, is very lucky in having such a studious
          class under his guidance. Our form captains are Carolyn Taylor and Ian
          Cushway and our vice-captains are Bob Williams and Pam Kelly.
               We are renowned in the sports field as you will see.
               Our footballers are Ian Cushway who played in the Brisbane Rugby
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