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FORM 2F --
                               Forin Teacher: Mrs. Ungerer.
                        Form Captains: Barbara Curtis; Wayne Goostrey.
               Here is one of our many talents (some hidden) — delightful poetry.
                        2F for me
                        2F for thee
                        If you’re not in 2F
                        You’re no use to me
                        We study with the big
                        We study with the small
                        Bonny 2F the pride of them all.
               Now for those other talents ! On the scholastic side Heather Grainger.
          and Bruce Parker top the list. On the sporting side we have much success.
          In tennis for example, Chris Mather. Elaine Kirkman and Darryl Woodforth
          shine. We have some budding Richie Benauds’ in Wayne Goostrey. Ron
          Collins, Brian Symons, Trevor Bell.
               Our girls participate in sporting events too. Basketballers are Margaret
          Burkitt, Faye Moore and Carol Reed. Gail runs, and Judy, Julie, Pat, Lorraine,
           and Betty are good spectators.
               No little success came to 2F in the cross-country, Teddy Bratton being
          first Intermediate boy to cross the line. Some of the others who won places
          were Kevin Gant, Roy Driver, and Jeff Truasheim.
               Football enthusiasts include Ken Unsworth, Howard Baker, John
          Beckingham, and Barry Fitzgerald. Finally, if you get a cramp a long way
          out to sea send for Michall Wiggins, a Bronze Medallist.

          FORM 2G--
                              Form Teacher: Mr. McGovern.
                         Form Captains: Robyn Couser; Alan Towson.
               For most of us, this is the first year at the W.H.I.S. and the first year
          away from the schools at which we began our education. We settled down
          in our new surroundings and it wasn't long before we looked upon 2G as our
          class, and as a part of our school.
               Although we think we are one of the brainiest and most studious
          classes in the school, we are sorry to say our teacher does not agree with us
          on this point.
               Gail Thompson and Robyn Couser represented the school at the G.P.S.
          sports, and everybody in our class took part in the House Sports. All who
          were able to, took part in the cross-country race and Allan Carlill did very
          well. Trevor Ingham is captain and Hugh Williams is vice-captain of dif
          ferent cricket teams.
               We are sorry to say good-bye to Janet Kerr. Des Thomson and Gary
          Riche all of whom left at the beginning of 3rd term.
               The top boy and girl are Barry Moore and Rae Leatherbarrow.
               We all hope to do well in the forthcoming Scholarship and we wish
          all students the success they deserve in their exams.

          FORM 2H--
               Our teacher is Mr. Mahoney, our class captains Barbara McQuillan
          and Larry Read. Vice-Captains are Kathryn Rice and James Scott.
               We are well represented on the sorting field as Kathryn Rice, Carol
          Overson, and Jenifer Curtis played in the basketball team that won the Zone
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