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played for the nine stone team while Eugene Denisenko. Jeffrey King, and
         David Reid represented the seven stone team. John Gray, Tony Murray and
         Peter Weir also played for the school. Our class cricketers are Tony Jennings,
         Peter Weir, and (Archie) Chruikoff. In the school sports this year Ray
         Fletcher came second in the under fifteen broad jump. In the trip to Bremer
         High School earlier in the year Greg Hatch represented the school in the
         hockey team, and David Reid the soccer team. An exciting football match
         between 3B2 and 3B1 earlier in the year resulted in a draw.
               The fighting force of the cadets from 3B2 consist of Greg Hatch, Peter
         Frederick, Brian Barton, John Hutchinson, Bob Forsk, and Jim Macaulay
         Our only cadet in the band is David Reid who plays the bagpipes.
               Our thanks go to all the teachers who have tried to help our class
         pass our examinations and our special thanks go to Mr. Weise who has tried
         so hard to help our class prosper, in the field of Chemistry.

         FORM 3C1 - -
                              Form Teacher: Mr. Williams
                         Form Captains: Lyn Allison; Munzur Khan.
               Hello, Everybody ! This is Form 3C1 calling from Room 3 in the main
         school building. Our top girl is Jan Devey and our top boy Robert Bolitho.
               We have two members of the Cadet Unit in our class, namely John
         Hesslewood and Robert Bolitho.
               Also, we have among us two very industrious boys, not to mention the
         girls—one. John Hesslewood who is starting his own Fuel Company and
         Roger Cumming who has his own Rubber Company.
               We are also well represented in the field of sport. All our students
         take part in some school activity. On Wednesday, 16th September, the boys
         who were fit were “persuaded” to run in the cross-country race. The first,
         second and third in our class were, Allan Preston. Brian Martin and Noel
               The class consists mainly of girls, their number being 25 against 11
         boys. The teachers think we are lazy but they make a great mistake for
         wherever we are we are always awake . . . Another place where you
         always seem to find our students is the Detention Room. Before we sign off we
         wish all students the best in the forthcoming examinations.
               Class Motto: Dead Men Tell No Tales.

         FORM 3C2--
                               Form Teacher: Mr. Gallwey
                             Form Captain: Deirdrie Brown.
               Hello ! All forms, are you receiving us ? Because this is 3C2 calling
         from Room 4.
               We would like to congratulate two top students, Lyn Bews and Martin
         Thom, for their success in the recent examinations.
               3C2 is proud of the boys and girls who represent it in the sporting
         activities of the school :
               “A” Tennis: A. Barr, D. Hargreaves. M. Hargreaves, and L. Tovey
         (who has recently left).
               Basketball: D. Cloherty, D. Brown, C. Bryning.
               Athletics: B. Benes, D. Brown and A. Barr.
               Ball Games: G. McAllister. J. Mayne. J. Kocho, C. Bryning,
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