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ties and badges, hats (summer) berets (winter) and gloves.
              Climate: A very friendly atmosphere (especially to teachers). Rare
                   gasses surround us in clouds at chemistry practice.
              Productions: Caramel Meringue, Lemon Delicious Pudding. Curried
                   Sausages, Coffee, Posies, and all our own clothes.
              Other Crops: Burnt Toffee, Flop Fondant, Unjellied French .Jellies,
                   Melted Melting Moments (we blamed the dampness in the air),
                   “Pink Satin Petticoats,” Chatter.
              Trade: Exports: Peanuts and samples of all cooked foods to 4A2.
                   Imports: Smell of linanient (please take note, 4A2).
              Towns: Wynnum Central. Cannon Hill, Manly, Lota, Wynnum North,
                   and Wellington Point.
              Favourite Occupations: Physics, and. at times, as you see we do learn
                   a little Geography, square dancing at P.T.
              Likes: All practical work: trips to other schools, especially to
                   Bremer; visits to 4Al’s room.
              Government: Mr. Cox, Mr. McCormack, Mr. Boylan. Miss Golliker,
                   Mr. Weise, and Mr. Baker-Finch, and Miss Hawkins.
              So this is 4D saying many thanks to all our teachers, especially Miss
         Golliker, and good luck to all fellow students for the coming examinations.

         FORM V--
                               Form Teacher: Miss Nixon.
                   Form Captains: Dorothy Ingram; Trevor Niebling.

              Contained within the walls of Room 6 in undersized desks is a dispirited
         motley collection of adolescents. Here within this group there are potential
         ministers, ministresses, missionaries, future heads of state, scientists, great
         public figures and lastly professional loafers (i.e. Teacher trainees on £2 a
         week).  Looking at Part A of the class, the first notable person to strike our
         eye is the original, genuine, much written about, and much talked about “Bill"
              Dave Ament dabbles in scientific experiments though he does nothing
         else even worthy of mention. The form is fortunate in having three mighty
         ( !) players in the all-conquering “B” football team, namely Starika, Hastings
         and Niebling, the last two also representing the “A” cricket team.
              Thallon shows signs of life only when swimming and tennis are men
         tioned and Dave Banney has been an “A” grade tennis player (forced retire
         ment). Austin, Smith and Grant are all football representatives.
              Firm favourites for the examinations are Valerie Harris and Dot
         Ingram while Dave Heaton and Rodney Hazell show occasional flashes of
         brilliance. (Note—We have lately acquired some high class foreign blood.)
              Now we shall turn to Part B—the darker side of the class.
              Pam Clark spends her time either splashing in swimming pools or
         yodelling for Mr. Weise during the lunch hour. Pam. Sharon Cordwell and
         Glenda Patterson participate in two-handed ping-pong (ball games enthu
         siasts). The future housewives, the 5D girls, are Glenda, Lorna Hardely.
         Lindy Ingram and Janette Ziegenfusz.
              The intelligence of the class is aptly shown in the construction of a
         cubby house in the school grounds by those two old maids, no, not Ada and
         Elsie, but Barbara Webb and Nancy Carey (50 per cent, of the population of
              In closing it should be noted that In the class there are “the Privileged
         Few”. i.e. the keepers of law and order—the Prefects who are on trial (un
         fortunately, in more ways than one).
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