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ing reaction does the rest when the fuse is placed in the month.
               Remember !—always stop and fill up at the sign of the Flying White.
                         (Sgd.) SHRDLU BORON and GARLIC SOFT DRINKS.
          Dear Sir,
               Is a Communist spy ring operating in W.H.S. ? The other morning a
          large figure in black trousers, Canadian jacket, goggles and crash helmet.
          with a sack slung across his back, was observed trying to sneak into school.
          Upon being questioned he said he was trying to avoid the vigilante Detention
          Patrol. Investigations are continuing and if necessary this individual may
          be deported — to somewhere like Brisbane State High.
                                                   (Sgd.) BIG BROTHER.


               W.J.C.—Do not be over-optimistic. The “new growth” may be only
          dandruff. D.H.G.—You are mistaken. General Macarthur did not smoke a
          Cherrywood. J.R.L.—No. Your car does not rank as a veteran until 1960.
          F.B.P.—For even better results try weighting the leather with lead-shot and
          pickling it in vinegar. R.T.P.—Rugby league is a football game similar to
          Soccer. J.K.—Our military adviser states that Loss and Damage Reports in
          Triplicate are not. required for spilt rifle-oil. T.C.B-F.—If low-flying aircraft
          continue to trouble you in this fashion, we suggest you stick Scotchlite
          reflecting-tape on your hat-band. B.G.—The composer of Beethoven’s Moon
          light Sonata was Beethoven. H.C.—Speeding fines are not an allowable de
          duction from Income Tax. E.N.—Correct dress for riding in a side car does
          not include gloves or umbrella. B.T.—The fare to Hollywood is £175.
          L.O.M.—TRY TAFON, G.W.—The chemical symbol for water is H2O. N.J.H.
          —Striped grass is not yet on the Australian market. Try making it with
          lime. B.P.—In the example you give, the motor-scooter has the right-of-way.
          Hope your collarbone is better. Miss M.McC.—TRY PERSONAL COLUMN
          HONG KONG TIMES. .1. McA.—A 4 ounce whiting is not a record. E.E.T.—
          If added cushions on the driving seat do not improve your driving vision,
          instal a peri-scope. C.H. & R.M.—No. P.T. is not legal terminology for
          Physical Torture. J.S.—Not your type. G.G.—Sorry, we have no recipe for
          Boiling Water. E.C.—Advise you reject Kramer’s offer

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