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P. 148

          1.  “You people seem to be taking a long time to get somewhere.”
          2.  “How very easy calculus is. When I went to school and did Physics
              . . . (Actually this teacher learned his Physics during last Easter
          3.  “One fool at a time.”
          4.  Boilin’ by name—warm by nature.
          5.  “Steady laddie ! My brother, Jim . . . . ”
          6.  “Ah .... ah ... . ah.”
          7.  Simba.
          8.  He drives at two speeds: Flat-out and Stop.
          9.  “Discipline, that’s what you need. Now if you were in my third
              platoon . . . . ”
          10.  He can be black, white, sharp, and flat all at once. He practises his
              scales very frequently.
          11.  “For Heavens sake !”
          12.  His fortnightly (too weak) jokes certainly get things done. The staff’s
              “little man”.
          13.  He “pipes” up now and again — but usually finds he has someone else's
          14.  He'd better watch his “P’s and Q’s”. He’s often giving the cadets a “fit”.
          15.  “Excuse-me.”
          10. “Certainly, I’ll drive you home.” I thought there were enough Prefects
              in the school.
          17. “Quiet. I said.”
          18. It’s a pity we haven’t got anyone to keep “Law and order” now, but I
              suppose you think that’s “Fair enough”.
          N.B.—All these quotations and sentences refer to High School Staff. The
                answers are on page 149.
                                                   — John Roulston, Form VI.
                   *  ..........................................................................  .......  ..  ...............................•limn
          A MISTAKE--
          DURING the recent visit of the Vienna Boys’ Choir, I, with some of my
             relatives had the pleasure of walking through the Botanical Gardens with
          their conductor.
                He was really fascinated with the trees and when we approached a
          palm he would give it a hearty slap and ask what kind it was. When we were
          nearing the exit he gave a round object a slap and asked what kind it was.
          while we all laughed. Looking up he saw that it was a greeny-grey lamp
          post instead of the palm tree that he had though it was.
                                                  — Graham Critchley, 2.J.

          ONE cloudy morning of September last, we boarded a special train at
          I Wynnum Central. At Park Road we disembarked and walked in a long
          crocodile to the Brisbane Cricket Grounds. At a park adjoining the South
          Brisbane State School, we waited for our turn to enter the grounds. Inside
          the Cricket Grounds, we were amazed to see, instead of green grass, a .multi
          tude of children, for all the school children from the Southside were there.
          We rested our aching limbs but they were forgotten when a cry went up for
          the arrival of Princess Alexandra. We leapt to our feet. The Princess
          mounted the dais and after a short silence re-entered her car to ride amongst
          the many lanes of cheering children. Hats went up in the air as she pro
          ceeded on her way round the oval. When our turn came for a close-up view
          of her, we cheered as she passed by. We had seen the Princess. As we left
          the grounds we looked forward to our half-holiday which I think we all
                                                   — Dell Topel, Form 2H.
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