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Sound, don’t like the sound of Light, and not attracted to Mag
                    netism, and Electricity is plain shocking.
               Geo. Drawing: “Square.”
               English: Just look at these form notes.
               Maths: Form has several calculating young ladies.
               Some of our number have taken quite a keen interest in Anthropology.
         or could it be Archaelogy ? It does not really matter much, as both are high
         sounding words. At any rate we have already dug up some twenty-three
         apple cores, that, we conjecture, were buried under the pine tree by last
         year’s fifth form (dreadful types they were). We also claim to have found
         the missing link, a strange creature, hairy, with an upright stance, and very
         irrational in its habits and actions.
               Many thanks, staff and pupils of the Wynnum High School for your
         willing work in training us and helping us. Yes, teachers, we agree with
         you. We are not working hard enough, and that is why we are so worried.
         We have not actually counted the days to Senior yet. but as soon as we can
         count up on our fingers, we’ll be right as rain. That is not very long to wait.
                                                              — J. Sands.


         ASSOCIATION - -

         THE changing of the monthly meeting venue from the Municipal Hall to
          the High School has met with great success and our attendances have
         greatly Improved.
               Another year’s effort has been recorded and we are pleased to say that
         we have had really fine support.
               We thank the Principal and his staff for the co-operation and help
         they have given us during the past year.
               The excellent work of the Ladies’ Auxiliary, under the leadership of
         Mrs. Macaulay, and the untiring work of the Minute Secretary, Mrs. Perry,
         has been appreciated by all.
               Many parents ask, “What do we do with all the money we raise ?” We
         give a library grant of £50 per year. We pay all expenses for Speech Night.
         We provide play-ground seating, trestles and tables, visual aid equipment.
         art pictures, plus those for the “Rogues Gallery” . basket and volley ball
         court fixtures and a flag-pole. We also provide blazers for the boys who are
         chosen to represent Queensland in the football teams.
               We hope to have, soon, an all weather basketball court, which will cost
         in the vicinity of £500. a tuck shop, expensive, but a good investment, and
         dressing and shower rooms.
               These are very necessary, though costly, but if parents realised how
         Inconvenient the arrangements are for the staff and students, in respect of
         changing for sports and physical training, they would be very sympathetic
         towards this particular cause.
               Throughout the year it has been very interesting to watch the progress
         of the school, through being able to be present on “Special Occasion” days
         and to hear the Principal’s report at our meeting on the second Monday of
         each month.
               Our best wishes go to the Principal and his staff for the coming vear.
                                                         — E. NIELSEN.
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