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P. 150

lowed by the sub-tribes of Cunningham, Kennedy and Mitchell with 455, 545,
         and 584 points respectively.
              And so ended another saga of old Wynnum. Many felt they had lost
         all their muscles and wind and a few did get lost—which we hope the elders
         who send us on these marathons will likewise do.
                                     — SITTING BULL AND LYING COW.

         1859 - 1959--
              One hundred years have passed since first we stood alone.
              And now we tell a tale of joy. of gladness to the ear ;
              A tale of pastures green, and rich brown loam;
              of rolling downs, and dark rain-forests where we hear
              The mountain streams, in crystal coolness rushing to the plains.
              Here have we made our homes. This is our land,
              To pasture flocks, to till the soil, to build our towns.
              We here have fought and died, for freedom from a tyrant hand.
              Our sun just risen, may we go on to write
              A greater chapter in the book of time.
              With hearts yet free in the broadening light,
              Let us be free from selfishness, pride, hate, and crime.
              Free from these greater tyrants, may we onward move
              To greater heights, with freedom to be true, and free to love.
                                                    — Roger J. Kennedy.

             All human history attests
              That happiness for man — the hungry sinner ! —
              Since Eve ate apples, much depends on dinner. — Byron. “Don Juan”.
                             • * ♦
              Experience is the best of school-masters; only the school-fees are
         heavy. — Carlyle.
                             • * «
              The race by vigour, not by vaunt is won. — Pope “Dunciad”.
                             • * *
                     Two men look out through the same bars:
                     One sees the mud, and one the stars. — Langbridge.
                             ♦ ♦ ♦
              There is nothing more frightful than an active ignorance. — Goethe.
              “History is something that never happened, written by a man who
         wasn’t there.”      * ♦ *
              The things taught in schools and colleges are not an education, but the
         means of education. — Emerson.
              God sends meat, and the Devil sends cooks. — John Taylor.
              “A wise man knows everything: a shrewd one, everybody.”
                             • ♦ *
              A man gazing on the stars is proverbially at the mercy of the puddles
         on the road. — A. Smith.

              Women are wiser than men because they know less and understand
         more. — James Stephens.
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