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on the games on deck, while Mr. Clegg, the manual training teacher supervises
          the carpentering down in the cabins. While Captain Milne was in the sick
          room with glandular fever, Corporal Walsh acted as a relieving Captain,
          whom we were very sorry to see jump overboard. So much for that. Now
          we will abandon shop talk.
               We were very pleased to see our boy form captain come 23rd in the
          cross country race. Helen Harris broke the skipping record in the House
          Sports. Marjorie Shepherd is another promising runner. Lewis Surman and
          Geoffrey Blakey are experienced tennis players. The cricket players are
          Jeffery Heslewook and Eric Morgan. Walter Burrows is our class representa
          tive in swimming. Helen Harris, Bev. Sharp, and Jeanette Burton are in
          school softball and basketball teams. Most of tlie other children are in House
               Before signing off, we would like to thank Mr. Milne for his patience
          and teaching throughout the year.

          FORM 3A1 - -
                             Form Teacher: Mr. McCormack.
                         Form Captains: Anne Dupen; Colin Ament.
               Room 14 is the chamber where scenes of horror and hard work terrorize
          both pupils and teachers alike.
               Above the incessant screeching of slate pencils, spasms of high pitched
          screams come from the direction of the office as lines of unfortunate youths
          are ‘bent and belt’ by two’s.
               To look on the brighter side, our pupils have been the most promising
          third formers yet, in the fields of both learning and sport.
               Among the boys, Lee Williams, closely followed by a few others, has
          proved the most outstanding. Jocelyn Senden, Bev. Gunderson, and Lynette
          Murray have to date topped the girls’ list of averages.
               During the last football season, Bruce Fleming, Robin Ricketts, John
          Anderson, Terry Urwin, and Dennis Davis have made names in inter-school
          and house football matches. Ray Maltby (the one ‘what’ kicked three goals
          in the last game) has been the strongest supporter of soccer throughout the
          year. Some keen cadets are at disposal for the safety and discipline of the

          FORM 3A2--
                                Form Teacher: Mr. Cox.
                          Form Captains: Jeanette Sands; Les Ball.
                               Till the brain begins to swim.
                            Till the eyes are heavy and dim.
               We’re a happy band of thirty-four Students working industriously in
          room fifteen. We dwell in peace until a plague of 3D’s descends upon us, in
          terrupting our studies.
               We now take the opportunity of welcoming Terril Bushing, our new
          comer from Nambour. and we feel sure Terril thinks Wynnum is best. We
          were sorry Christine Hanson left us during the year to reside in Melbourne.
          but she has since returned to Wynnum thinking on the same lines as Terril.
          The light of learning shines from Alayne Smith and Richard Lawler,
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