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Premiership. Kathryn Rice and Margaret Campbell are in the Softball team.
          Janice Street represents us on the tennis court.
               Do not think we are all brawn and no brain as Dell Topel topped the
          school in Mothercraft with 98% and presented the best Mothercraft Project
          book. Dell is our top girl and James Scott our top boy.
               Swimming certificates were presented to Barbara McQuillan, Glenda
          lind. Bruce Niebling, Leslie Win, Leigh Weston. Philip Molyneux and Douglas
          Byrne. Those who played Rugby in the 7st. 71b. team were Philip Molyneux.
          Bruce Niebling, Robert Greene and in the 6st. division Leonard Moffat,
          Robert Bingham, and Douglas Byrne. Philip Pyle played overweight. Larry
          Read and Ross Davis played Soccer in the “B” team which won the “B” Zone
          Premiership. Alf. Draper, Ross Davis and Larry Read play cricket for
          Oxley House while Spencer Casey and Bruce Spark represent Kennedy. In
          the Athletic field Philip Molyneux is the Junior champion of the school, and
          Leigh Weston runs a fast 100 yds.
               In the Cross Country race Philip Molyneux was best in our class (2H)
          coming 57th Spencer Casey came 73rd and Larry Reade 83rd.

          FORM 2I--
                              Form Teacher: Miss Leniham.
                        Form Captains: Trevor Freiberg and Kay Edie.
               Our congratulations go to the following people:—
               Top at Manual Training: Trevor Freiberg.
               Top at Domestic Science: Jan Stickley.
               Top of the class: Colin Avery.
               In sport, the school was represented by quite a large number of chil
          dren from our class.
               Footballers were: E. Kelk, G. Vayro (Captain of 5st. 71b. team), A.
          Taylor. B. Jardine and J. Wiley.
               Soccer: N. Turner.
               Cricket: N. Turner, E. Kelk, T. Freiberg. N. Kirby, G. Vayro, B.
          Jardine and J. Wiley (Captain).
               Softball: D. Rosickis and T. Joyce.
               Basketball: D. Rosickis, T. Joyce and A. Kruck.
               Tennis: D. Carroll and C. Cooiier.
               Life Saving Awards went to J. Heron and L. Abrahamson.
               Our class humourist (so he thinks) is Kevin Whitmee. He keeps the
          class “alive” with his “screamingly” funny pranks.
               Naturally, everyone in the class wish to pass the scholarship and Miss
          Leniham is doing all she can to make this possible. Before signing off. we
          would like to wish all other candidates the best of luck in their November

          FORM 2J--
                               Form Teacher: Miss Tomkins
                         Form Captains: Vicki Cutlack; Norman Orth.

               There are 36 students in Form 2J who are proud of their participants
          in all academic, cultural and sporting activities. The girl and boy who share
          top academic honours in our class are Diane Mcleodand Graham Critchley.

               On the cultural side there are Kay Lastelle, Vera Zubevich, Heather
          Morris. Diana Rudder. Marion Keehn and Jennifer Robertson who all play the
             But where we really excel ourselves is on the sporting field. Our most
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