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“A” GRADE PREMIERSHIP WINNERS (Intermediate), 1959
                 Back Row: Joy Roberts, Jennifer Curtis, Yvonne Beaumont.
                     Carol Overson.
                 Front Row: Aurea Kruck, Dogmara Rossikis, Moija Barzdavis
                     (capt.), Kathryn Rice, Teryl Joyce.

           BASKETBALL - -
           THE year 1959 was a memorable one in the history of our High School
              Basketball for we are now the proud possessors of a shield for Inter-house
           Competition. It was kindly donated by Robinson’s Sports Store.
                For the first time, three teams took part in the Q.S.S.S.S.A. Competi-
           tions, whilst a fourth team played friendly matches.
                There was also a marked improvement in the standard of our play.
           In the State Secondary Competition, the “C” team lost only to Cavendish
           Road, and then only by a very small margin. The “B” team did particularly
           well in the G.P.S. fixtures.
                In the mid-week fixtures matches were played against Commercial,
           Cavendish Road, Camp Hill, and Balmoral. Saturday matches were played
           at. St. Aidans, and Moreton Bay, whilst we had the pleasure of being hostess
           to Clayfleld College and St. Peters.
           Captains —
           “A” team: B. Arnold; “B” team: G. Paterson: “C” team: A. Forward: “D” team: L.
           Other Members of Teams —
           G. Sims. L. Gibbs. B. Brown, L. Hillier, D. Cloherty, K. Pearson:
           E. Phillips, L. Johnson. D. Brown. Y. Gartside, M. Barrow, R. Harrison
           J. Eardley, S. Gartside, E. Clarke, J. Fleming, P. Hafner, L. Hardley, J
           James, K. Burgess, P. Patterson, C. Bryning, J. Whitney

           Inter-House —
                Later matches will decide which House will have the honour of having
           its name first on the shield.
                The Basketball players say a thank you to their teachers, to the donors
           of the shield, to the young man in Robinson’s store who so often and so
           graciously inflated the balls, and to Walter Morgan who marked and cared
           for the courts.
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