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and soon they were able to supply their own umpires and carry on with the
             game very efficiently.
                   In July Mr. Baker-Finch arranged for a game to be played against
             Bremer High School at Bremer. This was the hockey team’s first big game
             Some went up with the idea of winning, but a few pessimists helped to deflate
             the feeling. The match started with Bremer scoring a goal in the first ten
             minutes, and when the first half was finished, the score was four-nil, in
             favour of Bremer. The Wynnum players learned a lot from the first half
             and put what they learned into practice during the second half, during which
             Bremer scored only one goal.
                   Although Wynnum lost, they were greatly encouraged, and are going to
             play Bremer again next year at Wynnum.
                   The afternoon at Bremer was very enjoyable, and you can imagine the
             surprise of the Wynnum team when they were supplied with ready-cut oranges
             at both half-time and full-time, and surprised again when they were invited
             to afternoon tea.
                   Hockey has started off very well, and will continue to get better as
             time goes on. until we can field a team that will do as successfully as some of
             our football teams. Success does not come immediately, but with practice,
             and with the help of the teachers, will not be far off.

             GOLF - -

             THIS year the boys of sixth and fifth forms were given the privilege of
                free golf tuition. Frank McCarthy the professional coach at the Wynnum
             links is our instructor. These lessons have been conducted at the Wynnum
             Club House on a Wednesday afternoon’s sport periods.
                   During the course of our tuition we have seen some very interesting
             films on golf. Much of the work so far has been practising the fundamental
             strokes of the game.
                   The mistakes of students when they first went on to the course brought
             much laughter from their fellow learners. All in all the lessons are proving
             interesting and very popular. There are a few promising players in our midst.
                   We would all like to thank Mr. McCarthy and the president of the
             Wynnum Club, Mr. Trott, for these lessons.


             SOCCER response this year was good and we were able to field two strong
                teams, ably captained by R. Bool and G. Grimley. The “A” team were
             unlucky to finish the season only one point behind the premiers, South
             Brisbane, while the “B” team played well to finish equal top with East
             Brisbane in their zone.
                   Individual players to do well were :—
                   Ray Bool—Representative in Queensland Schoolboys’ Team.
                            Brisbane Representative several times throughout the season.
                   John Daley—Queensland Schoolboys’ Representative.
                            Brisbane Schoolboys’ Representative.
                   Robert Costin—Queensland Schoolboys’ Representative.
                            Brisbane Schoolboys’ Representative.
                            Best and Fairest Award during Inter-State Matches.
                   Les Harris—Brisbane Schoolboys’ Representative.
                   R. Bool, J. Daley, and R. Costin were selected as the best players in the
             Queensland team during the Inter-State Carnival.
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