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July 9th, 10th, llth: Visits to “Pygmalion”.
           July 9th, 10th: “Even the bravest men are frightened by sudden terrors.” —
                        Tacitus. 2nd Term Exam, began.
           July 10th: Miss Pigram left for her overseas trip.
           July 13th, 17th: Mr. Roberts—the inspector—visited us.
           July 14th: Presentation of Crusader badges by Miss M. Wright.
           July 20th, 24th: Exam, continued.
           July 31st: 2nd Term Social.
           August 1st: “There is nothing so dreadful as a great victory—except a great
                        defeat.” — Wellington.
                        Girls’ G.P.S. Sports held at the 'Gabba.
           August 5th: Cadets left for Camp.
           August 7th: August Holidays at last !
           August 24th: School began again with the Term Service. Forms 6 and 4 were
                        addressed by Mr. Nommensen while Mr. Giezendanner ad
                        dressed Forms 5 and 3.
           August 25th: “let them obey that know not how to rule !” — Shakespeare.
                        New prefects from 5th Form presented to parade.
           September 1st: “How grand is victory, but how dear !” — Boufflers.
                        Kennedy triumphed over the other houses in the inter-house
           September 2nd: School went to hear the Luton Girls’ Choir.
           September 4th: Took part in the sports at the commencement of Gundoo Week.
           September  7th:  The  religious  instruction  class  was  addressed  by  Mr.  Campbell
           representing the ‘Father and Son’ movement.
           Se|dember 8th: Attended the Children’s Welcome to Princess Alexandra.
                        Always attracted by the charm of Australian men, our Royal
                        visitor had a special smile for Mr. Christensen.
           September 9th: Were visited by Cavendish Road, Balmoral, and Camp Hill
                        for Four-Way Athletics Meet.
           September 16th: “That which is not worth speaking, they sing.” — Beaumar
                        chais. — First practice for Speech Night Choir.
           September 16th: “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."
                        Annual Cross Country Race.
           Septeniber 18th: Primary Schools’ Athletics Meet on Council Oval.
                         And now, to those who are leaving —
                         Best wishes and Good-bye ! To those lucky
                         Ones who are coming back — an revoir !

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