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                We are pleased to be able to report that 1959 has been a most successful
               year for this Association. Our social activities have been varied and
           interesting, and as a result our membership has grown and been maintained
           at a number greater than ever before.
                The monthly general meetings have all been well attended. This year
           the school has been made available for the monthly rendezvous, for which
           we are indeed grateful. At the conclusion of many of the meetings, our
           colour-photography enthusiasts put on shows of coloured slides.
                A feature of our dances for the year has been the novel theme behind
           each one. The first of these was Hernando's Hideaway, held last December,
           with appropriate music, lighting and decorations. The next was a Bohemian
           Dance at which imaginations were let loose, resulting in rather odd but
           interesting costumes. The Hayseed and Shipwreck dances were equally well
           received. At the time of writing, togas and tunicae are being taken and aired
           for the forthcoming Roman Dance.
                Another highly successful barbeque was held in June, this one being
           at Samford on the Mount Glorious Road.
                An innovation to the social activities have been the two camps, one
           during Easter, the other in July, at the Christmas Creek National Fitness
           Camp. These proved to be very popular.
                Past Students in the mountain climbing group have continued in their
           enthusiasm to climb even higher and more difficult peaks. They will soon
           reach the stage when there will be no more mountains left to climb.
                In connection with the School itself. Past Students were much in evi
           dence at the annual fete, running a film show of coloured slides, and selling
           soft drinks and ice creams.
                An important. event of the Association's year, was the presentation of
           a life-membership badge to the former vice-principal, Mr. Garrett, a gentle
           man whose instruction and assistance have helped so many students, both
           past and present of Wynnum High.
                In concluding this report, the Past Students would like to invite all
           High School Students who are leaving school at the end of this year to join
           the Association. Its aim is to maintain a connection with the School, and to
           retain old friendship through an active, social life.
                We would like to take this opportunity of wishing all present students
           best wishes for the forthcoming examinations and every success in their
                                                          — Stuart Napier.

           IS YOUR SON A CADET ? - -
           Is he being given the opportunity to develop those qualities of character —
             determination, discipline, initiative and courage — characteristic of an
           efficient cadet ? Is he contributing to the tone and absorbing the atmosphere
           of a fine School Cadet Unit tradition ?
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