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                   Strength in Juniors

              As previously, the girls looked forward very enthusiastically to the beginning
          of the basketball season, and many were eager to represent W.S.H.S. as members
          cf the school team. We were able to field four teams, and although we had little
          success, this season proved a very enjoyable one.
              In the Q.S.S.S.S.A. fixtures, which were our Wednesday afternoon matches,
          the A and B teams had mixed success. The C team won its Zone Premiership,
          defeating Cavendish Road, Balmoral, Camp Hill and Mt. Gravatt, while the
          D team were runners-up. Congratulations must go to the C team, although it
          did not reach the finals of the Inter-Zone Competition.
              In G.P.S. matches, our teams played creditably, but had no success in final
          points score. We did have some enjoyable games though, especially against
          St. Peter's and B.G.G.S. Although the home matches against Clayfield College
          and I.G.G.S. were a struggle, we were well rewarded by afternoon tea. An epidemic
          of chicken pox prevented us from playing Moreton Bay College.
              Thanks are due to Miss Rohde and Miss Petroff, who gave so much time
          in training the teams; to Miss Nixon and the girls, who gave up their Saturdays
          to help with the entertaining; and to the boys who gallantly pumped up balls, etc.
          A special word of thanks goes to the groundsman, Mr. Wilson, who marked the
          courts, and to Mr. Jennings, who helped in his free time on Saturdays.
                                               DAGMARA ROSICKIS (V.)

                     C GRADE BASKETBALL TEAM -
                                Zone Premiers

                       Back Row: L. O Malley, L. Lovett, C. Heck, B. Weis, Z. Jensen.
                          Front Row: J. Reid (Captain), Miss Petroff, G. Crollick.

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