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BOYS GOLF TEAM — Zone Premiers

              Our boys have maintained the good standard set last year and the school
          team again won the South Zone competition. However, Sanyo, the North Zone
          winners, proved too strong for us in the inter-zone final. The team members
          were : Lewis Dare (captain), Max McDonald, Don Lewers, Peter McMahon,
          Greg. Ball, Grafton Van Veelen, Gordon Boyd and Brian Goener. Each member
          scored his share of wins, and the boys have enjoyed the opportunity of playing
          for their school on the various golf courses.
              Gordon Boyd and Greg. Bell deserve special mention. Gordon's win on the
          10th hole gave us a 4-3 win over Indooroopilly. This was a great effort by Gordon
          as he was 2 down with 3 holes to play. Greg, played very well for an excellent
          win against the strong opposition in the inter-zone final.
              The boys not in the team play nine (or more) holes of golf each Wednesday
          afternoon, and their obvious enthusiasm shows how much they enjoy playing.
              in our school championship, four players entered the semi-finals after a
          qualifying round of 18 holes. The four qualifiers were Lew Dare (with a superb
          76), Max McDonald, Peter McMahon and Gordon Boyd.
              Max McDonald became the school champion and we extend our congratula
          tions to him.

                 Back Row(left to right): B. Goener, M. McDonald, G. Boyd, D. Lewers, G. Van Veelen,
                                     P. McMahon.
                             Front Row: L. Dare, Mr. Schuntner, G. Bell.

                 This Page generously donated by MANLY SPORTS STORE
                 (Phone 96 2242), 191 Stratton Terrace, Manly.

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