Page 146 - wir62
P. 146

                           A most successful season

                              This year Wynnum had a most successful season of girls'
                           tennis. In the
                           Q.S.S.S.S.A.  competition,  the  B  and  C  teams  were  zone
                           winners, with the B team
          going on to win the Metropolitan Premiership. The C team was beaten in the
          finals by the narrow margin of three games. The A team was unlucky not to
          have done better, but were playing schools who fielded likely state team members.
                 B GRADE TENNIS TEAM - Metropolitan
              The A teamers were : Bev. Gunderson, Geraldine Thompson, Mary Atkins
          and Del. Edwards The B teamers were : Sue Curry, Sue Young, Karin Jordana

                      S. Curry (Captain) S. Young, K. Jordana, M. Jordana.
          and Michele Jordana. The C teamers were Jill Worrall, Nancy Rolston, Jackie
          Scarborough, Janet Young and Colleen Apps.
              On Saturdays the teams played G.P.S. fixtures. These games gave aspiring
          players the chance of some match competition as sometimes regular team members
          were unable to play.
              Two coaching squads have been formed, under the expert guidance of
          Mr. L. Ridgway, for the purpose of training future school teams.
              The team members would like to offer their sincerest thanks to Miss Lenihan,
          and to all staff members who arranged transport to and from the schools.
              The Senior school tennis championship was won by Michele Jordana, who
          defeated Geraldine Thompson, and Susan Young defeated Karin Jordana in the
          Junior section.

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