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                                  Hopes for 1963
             The war is over, the battle is won, but ah-alas, Wynnum was "not in the
          race", so to speak, but you don't need to "forty years on" to be "short winded",
          join the hockey team.
             "When you look back and forgetfully wonder". We tried so hard to repeat
          last year's undefeated premiership performance, but all efforts failed.
             "Tramp of Twenty-two Women".
             A grade was captained by Pat. Morrison, and their results were three wins,
          two draws and three defeats. B grade had one win, one draw and six defeats,
          and their captain was Helen Rothwell. Julie Lamond captained the C team, who
          had more wins and draws than defeats.
             "Fights for the Fearless".
             Next year we may need an injured players' fund, if one of our A games is
          repeated. On this occasion three players were slightly injured, but a third form
          representative lost count of her "knock-em-downs" during the season.
             "Goals for the Eager".
             Our forwards, though very eager, more often than not missed their shot at
          goals. This may now be remedied as two collapsible goals and a complete set of
          hockey equipment was purchased for practices and for next year.
             "Goals Attempted, Rescued and ... er Won?"
             Players who are worthy of note for scoring goals are : Pat. Morrison, Rosalyn
          Smith, Annette Horton, Helen Rothwell and Julie Lamond. Other players who
          showed ability are : Sandra Batchelor and Annette Marshall.
             "Strained Weak Hearts and Wavering Knees".
             This is how we return from the field at half and full time to report cur
          scores to Miss Reid.
             "Hated the Foe with a Playing at Hate".
             Well, we never hated any of the teams, but we made sure they never had
          possession of the ball more than could ba helped.
             "Neither the Last nor the Faintest were We".
             In the three grades, not one of our teams had the dishonour of the last
             Thanks to Miss Reid for her patience with us during practices and fixture
          matches and all she has done for this successful hockey year.

                          BREMER VISIT — GIRLS
             Towards the end of second term, Wynnum High School played host to
          Bremer High School.
             The visitors were welcomed to the school and then the teams proceeded to
          their respective sports fields, the golf teams leaving for the local course.
             Teams were fielded to play basketball, tennis, softball, vigoro and golf. The
          games in most cases provided keen competition between the two schools. The
          Over 15 basketball team was victorious, scoring 28 goals to 12, while the Under 15
          team was defeated 28 goals to 15. Our tennis team won 24 games to 10.
          Bremer was decisively beaten in the softball match, the score being 82-6. In a
          very close game, our hockey team was defeated 1 -0. Bremer won the vigoro
          75 runs to 68 and our four girl golf team won their match by 4 games to 0.
             With the co-operation of a number of Senior girls in the school, afternoon
          tea was prepared. Both school captains expressed their hope that Bremer had
          enjoyed themselves, and thanked them for their keen participation in the after
          noon s activities.

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