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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 21

                            SCHOOL DIARY
        February 3 , “Whatever begins also ends.’’ SENECA.
               School began today and already there are quite a few looking
               forward to breaking-up day.
               Welcome to our new Principal, Mr. F. B. Perry, and other new
               arrivals, Miss Stubbs, Miss McKinnin and Mr. Simpson.
               The familiar faces no longer to be seen are those of Mr. F. H.
               R. Cafferky, Miss A. Bradley, Miss H. Stewart, Mr. P. Dawson.
               Mr. C. Benn, Miss C. Hais, Miss C. Lilley, Mr. W. Acton, Mrs.
               E. Morris, Miss R. Watts.
        February 5 : We cast our votes for our new House Captains.
        February 11 : First Crusader Meeting of the year.
        February 10 : First Terms service. Addressed by Mr. E. Edwards.
        February 12 : “O wad some power the giftie gie us
                      To see oursel’s as ithers see us.” Burns.
               First parades in full school uniform.
               Presentation of prefects’ badges.
               Commencement of cricket fixtures.
        February 18 : “All wish to be learned, but few are willing to pay the
               price.” JUVENAL.
               J. Sandy Robertson’s dancing lessons commenced at the Manly
               R.S.L Hall.
               Cadets went to Kelvin Grove for clothing changes.
        February 19 : Took part in the school children’s welcome to the Queen
               Mother at the Brisbane Cricket Grounds.
        February 20 : “God and a soldier all people adore
                      In time of war but not before.” ANON.
               First of the year’s Cadet parades.
        February 21 : Had holiday granted by Mr. Pizzey in honour of the
               Queen Mother’s visit.
        February 25 : Miss Caud-Pryor addressed the Crusader meeting.
        March 3 : Welcomed Mr. King.-bury to the High School and Mr. Parton
               to the Intermediate.
        March 7 : Intermediate Swimming Carnival at Manly Baths won by
               Wentworth House.
        March 11 : We did shiver, and shake in the cold black lake and think
               about jumping in.”
               Griffith House had clear-cut victory in the High School
               Swimming Carnival.
        March 15 : Girls competed in G.P.S. Carnival at the Valley Baths.
        March 21 : Still more swimming. State Secondary School’s Swimming
               Carnival at Valley Baths.
        March 26 : "While there’s life, there’s hope.”
               Girls took part in the McWhirter Life-saving Contest.
               Cricket season finished.
        April 1-2 : Rotary Club job display in the Wynnum R.S.L. Hall.
        April 9 : Inter-house football started.
               High School took over the bottom floor.
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