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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 27

        champion by one point from S. Loynes. In the Under 16 division, G.
        Greenhill was first in the breaststroke and second in the medley, while
        P. Martin excelled himself in under 15 competition. Frances Ede was
        one of the open girl champions and Pam Clarke the under 16 champion.
        The Intermediate section of the swimming carnival was won by
        Wentworth by a small margin from Griffith. The open and under 15
        relays were both won by Griffith in record time.
        Selwyn Loynes won the senior athletics championship after two
        years of being second in this competition, winning 100, 220 and broad
        jump, while L. Starika and P. Davis were both second in the under 16
        and under 15 divisions. Sharon Cordwell was open girls’ champion
        and Judy Turnbull the under 15 champion.
        Griffith was well represented in the life-saving teams, where Frances
        Ede was captain of the McWhirter Cup team. Pam Clarke was also a
        member of this team; Phil Railings and Peter Martin participated in
        the Queensland Life-saving competition and acquitted themselves very
        An extension of the athletic carnival was the boys’ annual cross
        country championship. This was not only an individual competition but
        a contest between Houses which Wentworth won quite comfortably from
        Griffith. J. Webb of Griffith was third, however, and A. Apps fourth,
        and we had six runners in the first twenty competitors.
        In State Secondary School tennis competition, Frances Ede was a
        member of the school A team. Representatives in football teams were
        many. These included I. Amiet, P. Railings, S. Loynes, and Charlie
        Stobert who was captain of the first team and also captain of the
        Brisbane schoolboys' team which played at Nambour.
        While we can congratulate ourselves on a most triumphant year for
        the House, let us also congratulate our rivals, for without their close
        competition our wins would have been impossible to achieve. The
        captains would like to thank particularly Miss Nixon and Mr. Hazell
        who, as usual, have helped the House greatly in its activities, besides
        organising many school functions. They are also grateful to the vice
        captains for their valuable help throughout the year, and they wish to
        express their appreciation of the fine House-spirit, co-operation, and
        enthusiasm shown by every member of the House during the time they
        have been in office.
        Griffith House won the Cricket Cup, completing a treble by gaining
        the Swimming Cup. the Athletics Cup, and the Cricket Cup.
                            LILLEY HOUSE
                     House Mistress : Miss Lenihan.
                     House Master : Mr. Kingsbury.
                     House Captains : J. Cafferky, P. Banney.
        Lilley House began the year disappointingly (we Lilleyites thought
        so, any way) by losing, for the first time in the last three years the
        Inter-House swimming carnival. Our feeling of disappointment was
        tempered, however, with one of admiration for Griffith’s performance.
        Three girls tied for the open champion honours in the annual swimming
        carnival and two of these girls, Barbara Arnold and Judith Cafferky are
        from Lilley House. All the Lilley girls who took part swam well but
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