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Page 24                         Wynnum High and Intermediate School
                  Parents' and Citizens' Association
           Our new Principal and his wife (Mr. and Mrs. Perry) have formed
           a strong link between the school and our Association and we wish to
           thank them for the work they have done in the last year.
           Our major function of the year, the fete, although very successful,
           would have been a record one had the day been fine. The interest by
           the pupils this year was excellent, and with the help of the Past Students’
           Association, we are now working as a complete unit, the Pupils, Past
           Pupils, the staff and the Parents’ and Citizens’ Association, all working
           for a common cause—the School and its students.
           We are pleased to see the work being carried on by the pupils on
           the oval and trust that before long we will be able to start on some
           improvements to the oval such as seating, fencing and dressing sheds,
           and make this oval the pride of the district.
           An invitation is extended to all parents and citizens of the district
        and especially the Past Pupils to attend our meetings and to join our
                                                   N.   A. RALLINGS,
                                                     Hon. Secretary.

                            EDITOR'S NOTE
           At the Annual Meeting of the Association in September, Mr.
        Thurecht retired as President; Mr. Railings as Secretary and Mrs.
        Railings as Fete Secretary.
           Mr. Thurecht has been a member of the Association for many years
        and at the present time is the senior member. During his period of
        membership he has held office as a member of the grounds committee,
        treasurer, vice-president and president. In all fields of Association
        activities, Mr. Thurecht has given unstinted and most valuable service.
           Mr. Railings has also been a member of the Association for many
        years and before becoming secretary filled the position of treasurer.
        Mr. Railings carried out his manifold duties as secretary most efficiently
        and did many things for the school that were outside normal secretarial
        duties. Pressure of business made it impossible for . Mr. Railings to
        continue as secretary.
           The Association is fortunate that both Mr. Thurecht and Mr.
        Railings have found it possible to maintain their membership and so it
        will continue to have the benefit of their wide experience in Association
           Mrs. Railings has served the Association in many capacities, the
        most important being that of Fete Secretary. However, it is in other
        fields that the school will best remember her. Mrs. Railings has always
        taken a great interest in school activities, particularly those in which
        the pupils were directly involved. The school social committees will
        verify that nothing was too much trouble for her when it was for the
        pupils. We regret that ill-health has temporarily forced Mrs. Railings
        to give up her many activities associated with the school.
           We wish her a speedy return to full health and that in due course
        she will renew her associations with the school.
           We would like to place on record our deep appreciation of the work
        done by the above officers for the school.
           To our new President, Mr. Simpson, and secretary, Mrs. Neilsen, we
        extend our congratulations and trust that their association with the
        school will be a long and happy one.
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