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Wynnum High and Intermediate School                   Page 49

           As there is only Form II. in the Intermediate this year, we did
        not have as many entrants in the District Carnival as in former years
        and so did not take part in the points competition. Those who gained
        certificates were :
           Girls : D. Brown, 14 years, 2nd; G. Love, 13 years, 2nd; V. Stibe,
        13 years, 3rd.
           Boys : D. Davis, 14 years, 1st; J. Achurch, 14 years, 3rd; W.
        Blaik, 13 years, 2nd; D. Davis, in high and broad jump, 2nd; B.
        Fleming, in broad jump, 3rd.
           All these boys and girls represented the district in the Queensland
        championships on October 3.

                           Evening Reflections

                   As the sun sinks in the west,
                   All the earth prepares for rest.
                   And upon the hillsides green,
                   Flocks of woolly sheep are seen—
                   Winding downwards t’ward the fold.

                   Then the sky begins to change,
                   And in divers colours range :
                   Softest shades of pink and yellow,
                   Radiant gold, and lilacs mellow—
                   Wondrous beauties to behold.
                   Now the farmer homeward treads,
                   Drowsy flowers nod their heads.
                   Tinkling cowbells fade away
                   As doth end the work of day—
                   Gone all thought of plough and furrow.

                   Sunset’s brilliance now doth fade,
                   Darkness spreads her solemn shade,
                   Yet another day’s been spent,
                   Yet another evening sent—
                   And, God will, a glad tomorrow.
                                               PHYLLIS HARGREAVES, 3A3.
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