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Page 56                         Wynnum High and Intermediate School
                                FORM VI.
           Everything was running smoothly at Wynnum High School until,
        in 1957, a new Fifth Form was born. This class became the Seniors of
        1958. The teacher looked upon us as a mild type of plague, which
        brought with it headaches, bad exam, results, and, in some extreme
        cases, nervous breakdowns. We have heard that our unexpected
        behaviour had such a chaotic effect in the staff-room that insurance
        companies now regard teachers as a bad risk. In this unique class
        we have some notable characters.
           The fastest boys in the Form are Selwyn Loynes and Bill Davies.
        Selwyn specialises in the 100 yards among other things, and Bill is a
        miler. Bill does most of his training around the Water Tower at
        Manly. Other aspiring runners are Dick Tendys and Kelvin Finn, a
        nuggety runner who has just come to our school from Villanova.
          Selwyn must be mentioned again as a swimmer. He, Phil Railings
        and Gary Cumming are the best in the Form, while John Burnett is
        a good diver. Phil and Gary are both good athletics. Gary specialises
        in broad jumping and high jumping. Phil has a haircut that has
        given many a pin cushion an inferiority complex.
          Trevor Lewis and Bob Dorries have few sane moments, but during
        their short spells of lucidity show ability as scholars and cricketers.
        Terry Wickens and Jimmy Crammond are both cricketers, Terry being
        a batsman and Jim a spin bowler.
          Football is played by the greater part of our boys. Charlie Stobert
        (or “Legs McStobert” as he is now known) is captain of the School’s
        top XIII., which won the premiership. Bob Martin was carried off four
        times in the final for this premiership, but returned each time and
        finished the game looking more dead than alive. Nick Szkutko, Brian
        Boran, and Peter Vela are keen players. Nick is always willing to
        help our Physics teacher over the more difficult parts in the Senior
           Brian is the back woodsman from Gumdale and Peter is a Teller of
        Very Tall Tales.
           John Burnett and Bob Kydd are captains of football teams in the
        8st. and 9st. divisions, respectively. John is an admirer of the Goons
        and he excels at English and Maths. 1. Bob is school captain and
        intelligence U.O. He often practices rendezvousing. One might come
        in useful in Cadet work some day.
           Tennis players include Mal Wilson, captain of the A grade team
        (he is a keen hurdler as well), Bill Davies, Graham Johnston who, in
        his weaker moments shows some leaning towards Maths. 1, and "Slim”
        Jim Haxton. Mal, in his spare periods, seems to find endless inspiration
        by sitting at the desk outside Room Two.
           Gordon Barnett is a keen golfer. Besides driving golf balls he is
        often seen driving a fawn coloured chaff-cutter which he honestly
        believes is a car. Wally Syzmanowski and Louis Amiet are both high
        jumpers, Wally is known as a chap who will try anything—once any
        way. Both come from Cleveland and continual travelling in the Rattler
        gives Louis log spells of insanity. Des Howell also suffers from the
        rigours of the daily journey to and from school in this machine. Bob
        Rose is our school vice-captain. He still holds his position as Australian
        Ambassador to the Netherlands. Bob is a good distance swimmer.
           We think that if the teachers really understood us they would be
        more tolerant. We are not really bad but, like Shelley, we are
        revolutionists. The following line of Shelley’s may bring some
        consolation to the staff :—
                       "If Winter comes can Spring be far behind ? ”
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