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Wynnum High and Intermediate School Page 60
           Before closing, we take this opportunity of wishing our fellow
        school mates the best of luck in their coming exams, and to those who
        won’t be back next year, all the best for the future.
           TEACHERS, please note :—
                              To err is human
                              To forgive divine.

                               FORM 4 A2
           We are the inhabitants of Room 16 on the first floor and occupy an
        elevated position (the stage). Our Form teacher is Miss Nixon and
        the captain is Valerie Harris, who sometimes manages to keep order.
        Our class likes holidays. Friday afternoons and Geography lessons. We
        dislike homework. Chemistry problems and Maths. We are only a small
        class of thirteen, but we contain many famous (as well as notorious)
        personalities. Our star is Trevor Neibling, who excels at Maths., is a
        good cricketer and footballer, and is Drum Major in the Cadet Band.
           Lynn Aberdeen is the intellect of the class and he has been to
        Paris. Bob Wyeth plays football as does Barry Mitchell, who spends
        most of his time in snatching forty winks (perhaps it is too much
           David Banney is a tennis star, while Jeffrey Horsburgh is a champion
        hurdler. Bob Gray and Peter Newland spend their spare time doing
        detention, while Kevin Webb and Ivan Dunleavy concentrate on dodging
        hard work. Of the fairer sex there are only three. Valerie Harris
        comes top and her favourite saying is “keep quiet”. Stephanie Smart
        was born in Bengal, learns ballet, and breeds guinea pigs. Barbara
        Webb paints pictures of scenic Birkdale. These are the historians of
        1958 signing off, wishing fellow candidates in the forthcoming examina
        tions every success and pleasing results, and thanking our teachers for
        the help they have given us in the past year.

                                FORM 4B
           We of 4B think that we are a most industrious class, but most of
        our teachers do not share this view. Dusters,rulers and chalk have
        been thrown at us by indignant science teachers and some of the names
        we have been called are unprintable, but it is not our fault that we
        fail to understand specific heat or the horrible things called chemical
           Our room is number 16. You are bound to have heard the noise
        that we make, but we mostly use the detention room after school. Our
        thanks go to Mr. Perry for this brilliant idea. We share room 16 with
        4 A2 and 4D and they are a very noisy crowd, especially the girls. But
        the poor little innocents of 4B always gets blamed for the unruly din.
           Our Form teacher is Miss Nixon who endeavours to teach us
        English. We realise that we are rude vexing laddies and naughty
        scalliwags, and should be smacked.
           We have eleven members in the Cadet Unit. Rendell Brown is a
        drummer and Sandy Macaulay is a piper. In the athletic field we were
        represented by Ernie Pascoe, who was the under 16 champion, and
        John Webb who came third in the cross-country race. Ron Sharp and
        Trevor Mischlewski also did well on sports day.
           Our top boys are Richard Hoare, Sandy Macaulay, Brian Austin.
        and David Haxton.
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