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Wynnum High and Intermediate School Page 60
        physics sums “just won’t work out’’. Glenda is our representative on
        the sporting field. She played basketball for the school and was a
        member of the ball games team for the G.P.S. and State Secondary
           Our Form captain is Maree Brown who always manages to keep
        control when a teacher is in the room and has become noted for her
        serves at volley ball.
           Lorna Hardley comes from New Zealand and has achieved her
        life’s ambition, that of growing a pony tail. She is also an example of
        what a New Zealand climate can produce because every time she lifts
        her hand Richard Hoare moves two feet further away.
           Dianne Horn comes from England and insists on the pronunciation
        “De-arn” and in most cases the teachers oblige. Her partner in crime
        is Jeanette Heers, who can bake wonderful small cakes, which require
        only one small hammer to break them open.
           Jeanette Wood comes from South Australia, and like the Ancient
        Mariner she holds with her glittering eye as she tells us of her escapades
        on the trip from Adelaide to Brisbane. She never fails to get a laugh
        with the story of the little wayside cafe and the chop which she couldn’t
        eat, but which was too good to leave behind.
          Lindy Ingram is our “little dark haired beauty”. She is a good all
        rounder and always spends her week-ends studying. Frances Kelcullin
        migrated from Toowoomba and since her arrival has evolved a plan
        for working while wasting time, and always does her homework while
        we slave away at Physics. Anne Mead comes from South Australia
        also and has made a collection of most extraordinary bracelets, watches
        and rings.
           On the whole we are a happy crowd and during the past two
        years have mastered simple interest, learned that the formula for water
        if H2 0. know all about beer-making, guessed that dessicated coconut
        comes from a coconut, and have become expert coffee makers.
           In closing we take this opportunity to wish our fellow students the
        best of luck in the forthcoming Junior, Senior and Scholarship
        Examinations. We hope the papers suit you and may your results
        exceed your highest expectations.

                               FORM 3A1
                   Form Captains ; Jocelyn Fleming, Peter Bond.
                   Form Teacher : Mr. Law.
           3A1 is the most conscientious, hard-working, athletic, virtuous
        Form in the school. Even if we don’t know a thing it’s not from want of
           Here are the most important facts about 3A1 presented in plain,
        easy to learn Form.
           Geographical position : Extremely close to the Principal’s office.
           Chief Virtue : Silence between periods.
           Class Anthem : Funiculi, Funicular which the girls practise
        diligently every Friday,
           Class Motto : “Damnant quod non intelligent” (Dash, we haven’t
        any brains).
           Chief Occupations : Runnin’; talkin’; latin’.
           Class identities: Girls: Eunice (extremely brilliant), Judy
        (champion sprinter). Heather (sprinting, swimming, basketball), Robyn
        (basketball, swimming), Barbara (ball games). Christine and Jenny
        (tennis), Lyn (eating—she’s a terrible size. Felicity, Vera, Edrine
        (theatricals, both in and out of school hours), Valda (art). Yvonne (volley
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