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Page 70                         Wynnum High and Intermediate School

        the athletic teams. Rodney Close played cricket for the school and
        came second in the open high jump (what a pity his legs aren’t half an
        inch longer).
            To keep the peace we have two cadets, Graham Browning and
        Rodney Close; the latter has won his Crossed Rifles.
            In other fields of activity we have been busy, too; eight girls are
        in the choir, and eleven took part in Inter-House Debates, Janice,
        Loretta, and Cherrie doing very well; we were pleased with the result
        of our tuck-shop early in the year, and many were able to help with the
        school fete.
            Will you help us to buy Christmas presents for our teachers? For
        Mr. Cox we want a box of chalk (to eat), for Mr. Kingsbury a button
        hook, for Mr. Griffith a piggy bank, for Mr. McCormack some tuneful
        instruments for the cadet band, and for you a feather duster to save
        you from having to dust the table with your handkerchief.
            Doesn’t all this prove how thoughtful and public-spirited we are ?
                                       Your ever-obedient,

                                FORM 3D
            Form 3D consists of nine girls who consider themselves to be the
        “Cooks” of the school. We are doing most of the cooking for the cadets
        passing-out parade. Our Form teacher, Mr. McCormack, said that until
        now he didn’t know the reason for it being called the “Passing-out”
            We are also responsible for the cleaning of Mr. Perry’s and Mr.
        Garrett’s offices. Our Form captains are Denise Barr and Noeleen
        Chantier. Joyce Russell is our best student as she came top in exam.
            Lesley Gardner has honoured us by being in the B team in tennis,
        while Kathleen Russell plays basketball and Wendy Cutlack was in the
        G.P.S. and State Secondary School Sports. Charmaine Norbury,
        Beverley Barbaler, Delma Rodwell and Lesley Gardner were speakers
        for the inter-House Debates.
            Joyce is an assistant ballet dancing teacher, Delma plays the piano
        and Noeleen is a very enthusiastic guide and is hoping to earn her
        Queen Guide Badge. Many thanks to Miss Golliker and the other
        teachers who have taught us throughout the year.

                                FORM 2A
            Form 2A, in greeting the rest of the school, hopes they have had a
        happy and prosperous year. We are a bright class of forty students
        working happily under our teacher, Mr. Phillips.
            First and foremost we must congratulate our top girl and boy,
        Alayne Smith and Maurice Doube. Credit is also due to those receiving
        honours, namely : Alayne Smith, Jocelyn Senden, Jeanette Sands, and
        Maurice Doube. Merits : Wendy Eames, Charmaine Easten, Beverley
        Pickering, Helen Predl, Lynette Tovey, Rosamond Wood, Robert Allen,
        Peter Stephan, Roger Wilson. Noel Wyeth.
            The stronger sex is well represented in the field of sport, our
        footballers being : Graeme Grimsey, Peter Parker, Ray McMahon,
        Michael Bashford, Robert Allen, Noel Wyeth, John Hutchinson, Bill
        Hase, Garren Leatherbarrow, Frank Hobbs and Warren Virgin. Noel
        Wyeth, Ray McMahon and Robert Allen are our best cricketers, while
        Pete Stephan. Warren Schweitzer and Wayne Perry ably wield the
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