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Page 76                         Wynnum High and Intermediate School
            Our congratulations go to Pam Morgan, Victorine Stibe, Betty
        Turner and Max McDonald for topping the class in term examinations.
        Besides being excellent at our school work, we also shine on the field
        of sport.
            Victorine Stibe, Graham King and Charlie Feige represented the
        school in the District Sports. Our outstanding basketball and softball
        players are Tania Chuikoff, Margaret Barrow and Christine Hoffman.
        We are very proud of Ray Bool and Barry Rowlingson, who were
        Queensland representatives in football. Barry was fortunate enough to
        travel to New South Wales, while Ray entertained the N.S.W. boys
        here. Trevor Robinson, Max McDonald and Terry White are also good
        soccer players. Our Rugby enthusiasts are Graham King, Barry Harpur,
        Terry Urwin, Bruce Johnson, Graham Gash, Keith Lipke, Gennady
        Chuikoff, Darryl Moller, while Trevor Robinson, Colin Seary, Robert
        Achurch, Keith Lipke, Darryl Moller, Charlie Feige and Gennady
        Chuikoff play cricket. Swimmers are Max McDonald and Carole
        Walker. Our class artist is Roger Cumming who excels in black and
        white drawing.
            We the students of Form 2E, take much pleasure in thanking our
        teacher, Mr. McAllister, for his excellent teaching during the year, and
        we would also like to wish everyone success in the coming examinations.

                                FORM 2F
            There are 37 scholars in Form 2F who are “very happy" under the
        watchful eye of our well respected teacher, Mr. Parton.
            Seated at the head of the class are Lynne Bews and Lee Williams
        and class captains are Lynette Allison and Alan Stamp.
            As there is a fool in every class, N.A.O. takes first prize in 2F
        with honours. Our top boy in manual training is Brian Prescott and
        top girl in domestic science is Margaret Brown.
            We have but one representative in the school cadets and he is
        drummer Stephen Taylor. If N.A.O. is absent we are kept awake by
        Professor W’heeler and his "wise cracks.”
            Our class is well represented in the field of sport. Playing League
        we have Bruce Fleming, Allan Barker, Herbert Hersom, Ron Gee, Ken
        Day, Jeffrey King, Kevin Abrahamson, and Ian Wheeler.
            Our athletes are Bruce Fleming, John Achurch, Gaye Love, and
        Marion Watts while our life-savers are Cheryl Kimmerley and Stephen
        Taylor. Our soccer players are Alan Stamp, Lee Williams, and John
        A’Church. Last, but not least, are Ray Fletcher and Judith Pleace
        our tennis players.
            The boys who were fit were "persuaded" to go in the cross-country
        race on September 3. First, second and third in our class went to John
        A’Church. Bruce Fleming and John Waite.
          Before signing off we would like to wish all candidates the best of
        luck in the forthcoming examinations .
            This is Form 2F signing off from room 5A in the wooden building.

                                FORM 2G
                               Teacher : Miss Cribb.
                        Form Captains : Bev Gunderson, Des Bain.
            Form 11G is proud that it leads in many branches of school life.
            In the Mothercraft Examination, Lyn Murray and Ann Williams
        obtained second and third places with 89 per cent, and 88 per cent.,
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