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Wynnum High and Intel-mediate School                  Page 77

           Warren Blaik was the under 14 champion in athletics and Reg
        O’Malley was runner-up, while Desley Carmichael created a record in
        the goal throwing with six goals out of a possible six. Four of our
        girls also participated in the Girls’ Inter-School Sports.
           In Rugby football, our class is well represented in the winning
        teams. G. McLennan and N. Gallagher were members of the overweight
        premiership team and W. Blaik, D. Bain, N. Gallagher, R. Orr and I.
        Cushway were in the victorious 6st. 101b. team. Added to this, we were
        represented in the soccer team by R. O’Malley.
           The girls did their share, too. Y. Chantler assisted the school to
        win the basketball premiership of the district, while M. Ferguson, P.
        Ruska, Y. Chantler and B. Gunderson were in softball teams.
           A number of our girls and boys were successful in the life-saving
        tests, gaining 13 certificates. The highest award gained was an
        “Intel-mediate Star” by D. Carmichael, who also represented the school
        in the life-saving championships.
           In term examinations there is keen rivalry between Lyn Murray
        and Bev Gunderson for first place.
           We hope for success in the ordeal in November and wish all other
        students the best of luck.

                                FORM 2H
                   The source from which my learning comes,
                   Has quite a lot to do with sums,
                   And English Prose and Tables too,
                   All these I really like to do.
                   Now these all come from different sources,
                   From teachers, books and many courses,
                   The rest you’ll very plainly see,
                   Depends of course on only me.
                              Teacher : Mr. McGovern.
              Form Captains : Lesley Robertson and Grahame Pratt.
           This is the first time this school has had a Form 2H and knowing
        this, we have tried hard to set a high standard for future 2H Forms
        to follow.
           Most of us were at this school last year and we were able to settle
        down quickly and get on with the work for this important year (different
        to last year when we felt so strange in a new school). Our class
        consisted of forty pupils at the beginning and most of the originals
        are still with us. Ray Stead left to take a job and Dorothy Gallocher
        left recently for Sydney. The only addition was early in the year
        when Kathleen Hales joined us. We extend a hearty welcome to
        Kathleen who arrived from England only this year. Welcome, too. to
        Neville McGregor (Cannon Hill) and Ray Hallman (Eumundi) who
        were newcomers to our school this year.
           We have had representatives in all sporting activities and some
        were able to help win premiership honours for the school. Chief among
        these were Dawn Cloherty (basketball), Peter Weir and Lindsay
        McCullough (football). Other famous names were, among the girls:
        P. Rose, L. Ayron, G. Cox, B. Weiss. L. Harrison, L. Robertson, L.
        Tonkin (who proved to be our fastest runner) and M. Houghton (who
        would get closest to Dawn Fraser in the baths). Among the boys we
        heard of : R. Forshaw, D. Westlake, N. McGregor, N. Cumner, N.
        Kohler, R. Napier, R. Bolitho, R. Hallman, G. Pratt. V. Ruska, K. Haidle
        and T. Passey.
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