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Page 74                         Wynnum High and Intermediate School
        Brisbane, John Anderson (captain of 6st. team), Frank Whatley, Frank
        Clough, Arthur Zohn, Bruce Ekelund, James Darby, Bobby Benes and
        Bill Richardson.
           Cricketers : R. Ricketts, John Elms and F. Whatley.
           Life-savers : Dorothy Donald, Ann Wall, Linda McQuillan, Gareth
        Roberts. All received awards.
           Tennis : Our representatives in the school team which reached the
        semi-finals was Aileen Barr. Our basketball representative was Rosalind
        Symons who also did well, with Joy Hartigan in athletics.
           Softball included Margaret Whitehouse, Lyn Lacey, and Rosalind
           Edna Guyoman plays the piano for the school singing lessons, and
        Diane Hensler is also interested in music.
           Rae Parsons received honours in her Ballet Examinations. We also
        have some promising athletics. R. Ricketts (second in broad jump), B.
        Benes (second in high jump), while B. Benes, T. Jennings and James
        Darby brought credit to themselves in the cross-country race.
           We do thank Mr. Maccoll for his help and interest in us, and we
        wish success to all our examination candidates.

                                FORM 2D
                      Here we are, yes Siree,
                      The greatest Form you ever did see.
                      In our sport we come out top
                      And in our work we come out — ?
                               Teacher : Mr. Milne.
                     Form Captains : Dianne Sercombe, Stephen Jarrett.
           Mr. Milne, recently appointed teacher of Form IID, has proved
        himself a capable and popular teacher with both boys and girls alike.
        Every pupil is diligent and is putting his mind to conscientious
        preparation for the forthcoming Scholarship Examination, in which we
        do hope to do as well as in the sporting field.
           Our cricketers are John Heslewood, Richard Lawler, Randall Vines
        and Alistair Elliot who is captain of Wentworth team.
           Rhonis McNeill and Lyle Acworth both gained their Intermediate
        Stars, while Lyle represented Wynnum in the State Primary swimming
           Soccer is played by Lionel Close, while Doug. Rahe and Gary
        Cathcart play Rugby League.
           Yvonne Gartside and Sandra Batchelor played in the A grade
        basketball team. Marjorie Roulston is captain of the B grade softball
        team, and Kay Pearson who is captain of the B grade basketball team
        also competed in swimming, running and ball games.
           This is Form 2D signing off and wishing everyone luck in the
        coming examinations.

                                FORM 2E
                              Teacher : Mr. McAllister.
                       Form Captains : Victorine Stibe, Paul Rooney.
           Well, hello, now you outsiders if you want to improve your
        scholarly status, you would be well advised to draw your example from
        class 2E. If you doubt this, ask Mr. McAllister, our teacher. Now you
        might turn your attention to the following :
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