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Page 68                         Wynnum High and Intermediate School
          Our class has been well represented on the sporting field. Our
        footballers are : Barry Goener (also in a Wynnum-Manly team), Vitauts
        Klaikelietis and Roger Sands. Don Maltby plays soccer for Lota. A
        football match between our class and 3B1, resulted in a 3-all draw.
          Pam Hafner, David Monks, Peter Troy and Roger Sands are our
        outstanding swimmers or athletes, and Lloyd Kelk plays tennis in a
        B grade team during week-ends.
            There are seven cadets in the class, and two of them belong to the
        band. We also have a large number of pianists : Pam, Phyllis, Marilyn,
        Roger, Graham and John.
            Our three “New Australians” are : Frances Smart (born in India),
        Vitauts Klaikelietis (Latvia) and Malcolm Bell (England).
            We regard ourselves as being the class with the best "school spirit”.
        We were largely responsible for the preparation of 50 per cent, of the
        oval, and on Egg Day, out of a class of 37, 36 brought eggs (one member
        was absent.)
            In closing, we wish all examinees the best of luck in their final

                                FORM 3B1
                             Form Captain : H. Percival,
            At the beginning of this year our class of boys consisted of about
        40, since then it has dwindled down to 29.
            We are in one of the industrial classes of the school. The following
        boys have played tennis, football and cricket: T. Johnstone, G. Dunstan,
        J. O’Neil, M. Kehoe and Russell Dalzell plays soccer. Allan Hoy was
        good enough to get into the Q.S.S.S.S.A. Swimming Carnival.
            The following boys competed in Inter-House Sports: R. Dalzell
        (L.), H. Percival (G.) and most of the others ran in their respective
        qualifying races. One time our class played 3A3 football, the result of
        the game was a draw, three-all. The game was referred by Charlie
            Our Form teacher is Mr. Lendrum, who takes us for physics and
        maths. B. The class thinks woodwork and chemistry are their favourite
            The following boys are in the School Cadet Unit: K. Freese, D.
        Heck Bruce Slater, A. Hoy, M. Kehoe, R. Day, L. Haylock, H. Percival,
        D. Simpson, B. Cloherty, D. Farley, R. Morgan and R. Knight.
            When we had our turn at grassing the oval, most of the boys
        brought grass and helped plant it. On the whole, this job was done
        very well. In closing, we wish all examination candidates the best of

                                FORM 3B2
            3B2 consists of 21 lifeless beings, or that is what the teachers would
        have us understand.
            In 3B2 we have nine cadets who are brave and bold to the last.
        These cadets are “Killer” Kimlin, “Pill” Pyle, "Bunyip” Farrelly,
        “Blondie” Gwynne, “Willie” Scarborough, “Tick” Clifford, “Ginge”
        Ferguson, John Wright, and “Rollo” Rawlingson.
            Our class has many dislikes, the main ones are—hats, ties, school
        and “DETENTION.”
            Our Form teacher is Mr. Cox.
            The smartest boy upstairs in 3B2 is Pancho Vela, while at manual
        training “Pluto” Parlato is out on his own.
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