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Wynnum High and Intel-mediate School                  Page 79
            The very fine folk dancing display witnessed at the fete, included
        M. Houghton, L. Harrison, G. Cox, J Mayne and K. Hales, while the
        last two girls showed their talent in the display at the Exhibition
            K. Hales, M. Houghton, P. Jackson, R. Newnham and R. Passey
        were keen life-saving students and all won awards.
            But it has not been all play—we have tried equally hard in the
        class room and we hope we all receive our reward—namely, our Scholar.
        ship Pass. Congratulations to M. Houghton (top girl) and R. Bolitho
        (top boy). L. Harrison has proved herself to be a budding poetess.
            All too soon now we shall be face to face with the scholarship
        examination and we hope nothing goes wrong to prevent any of us
        from sitting, and above all we hope to see all our names in print in
        the paper early in 1959. We take this opportunity to wish all the
        other candidates from our school the very be. 3t of luck in the forth
        coming examinations.
            At the end of the year we will be “thrown to the wirtds” as it were.
        Some of us will take jobs and others who return to this school will
        enter the various Form Ill's associated with the various courses. But
        there will be a 2H next year, and while there is a 2H we’ll be looking
        forward to hearing good reports of it.

                                 FORM 21
                       Form Captains : Deidrie Brown, Colin Ament.
            Our Form teacher, Mr. Mahoney, is most fortunate (!) in having
        under his careful guidance, such an industrious class, whose high
        ambitions are nonpareil. During the year class members took part,
        with distinction, in various form and school activities.
            Our congratulations first to Janice Kocho and Colin Ament who
        tied for first place in class in the recent examinations. Worthy of
        note, too, we feel, was Ray Maltby’s 100 per cent, for maths, in the
        nomination examination, while Christine Collins, Roslyn Penny and
        Delmae Woods brought honour to the class by the high standard of
        their mothercraft projects.
            Noela Evans, Deirdrie Brown and Delmae Woods competed
        successfully in the swimming carnival and Philip Jaillet gained the
        honoured position of junior swimming champion. Those to obtain
        life-saving certificates were Kay Burgess, Delmae Woods, Margaret
        Green, Philip Jaillet and Dennis Davis.
            Our representatives in Rugby League football were Bryan Palmer,
        Terry Kennedy, Gary Grant, Neil McWaters, Barry Railings, Kevin
        McGuire and John Molyneux. Deirdrie Brown proved to be our most
        outstanding athlete and Dennis Davis the most outstanding boy. Janice
        Kocho and Deirdrie Brown helped lead the basketball team to victory
        in the premiership. Ray Maltby represented the school at soccer, while
        Colin Ament and Neil McWaters performed creditably with cricket bat
        and ball.
          Amongst the early arrivals home in the cross-country were Dennis
        Davis and Gary Grant. (N.B. They did not take a short cut.)
            We take this opportunity of wishing our fellow students the best
        of luck in their forthcoming ordeal—er—examinations.
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