Page 14 - E-module IC Reading
P. 14
Free Individual Writing
Now, let’s try to write about something else. Below is the alternative person for you to
choose from.
1. The person you love the most
2. Your favorite lecturer
3. Your favorite actress or actor
Find information about the person of your choice. Fill out the Introduction, Description of
Features, and Conclusion sections of the following table with the keywords of the
information that you have collected.
Section Your sentences
1. Identification
2. Description of features: a person’s
character and habit
3. Conclusion
Now, write your factual description based on the keywords in the table. Remember, you
have to use your own words and show the language features typical to this genre.
Now, check whether your work presents the following features.
The introduction
The description of features
The conclusion
The use of the Present Tense
The use of adjectives
If all these features are present in your work, you may proceed to the following Unit.
Otherwise, choose another person to describe from the list in the previous section. Find
information about the person, identify the keywords, and write a factual description about
it. Make sure that your factual description shows the introduction, the description of the
features, the conclusion, the use of the present Tense, and the use of appropriate