Page 15 - E-module IC Reading
P. 15

2. Factual Descriptions: Places

               Objectives of the Unit
               Upon completion of this unit, you are expected to be able to:
               1.  write a factual description of a place with the appropriate generic structure
                   (introduction, description of features, and conclusion;
               2.  use grammar appropriately in a factual description of a place;

               3.  use adjectives appropriately in a factual description of a place.

               Prepare Before Reading

                   In this unit you will learn about factual descriptions. What are factual descriptions? They
               are  descriptions  of  a  particular  place,  person,  or  thing.  The  purpose  is  to  tell  about  the

               subject  by  describing  its  features,  which  may  include  such  aspects  as  size,  height,  color,
               shape, or any other important characteristics of the subject.
                   A factual description mainly consists of three parts, i.e. a general statement about the
               subject  functioning  as  an  introduction,  a  series  of  paragraphs  about  the  subjects,  and  a
               concluding paragraph. The first part gives the readers brief details about the when, where,
               who, or what of the subject. The second part consists of several paragraphs, each of which
               describes one feature of the subject. The third part is optional and marks the end of the
               text. The grammatical features of a factual description include verbs in the present tense
               and  adjectives  to  describe  the  features  of  the  subject.  In  this  Unit  you  will  learn  about
               factual descriptions of places.

               Detailed Reading

               Now, read the following example of a factual description of a place called Aoshima or Cat

                       Aoshima is a sleepy island in Ehime Prefecture just one mile long and is better
                    known  by  its  nickname,  “Cat  Island.”  With  feline  residents  outnumbering  the
                    human population by about eight to one, it’s a must-visit for all cat lovers!  [1]
                       Although once a bustling fishing island, there are now only a handful of human
                    residents  left  on  Aoshima.  The  cat  population  is  thriving,  however.  Originally
                    introduced to help the fishermen by keeping the mouse population in check, they
                    are now YouTube sensations and the island’s star attraction. [2]

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