Page 19 - E-module IC Reading
P. 19
Group Note Making and Joint Rewriting
Watch the video below for instructions on how to fill in the table!
GROUP WORK. Read the following table. The first column presents the structure of the
passage on Aoshima. The second column shows the sentences form the passage that
corresponds to the text structure. In the third column, write the keywords you find in the
sentences. In the fourth column, paragraph, paraphrase the sentences. Follow the example
given in number 1.
Structure Sentence Keywords Joint Rewriting
Aoshima is a sleepy island Aoshima, Aoshima or Cat Island
in Ehime Prefecture just one mile long and Ehime Prefecture, sleepy in Ehime Prefecture is
is better known by its nickname, “Cat island, one mile long, peaceful and only one
1. Introduction Island.” nickname, Cat Island mile long.
With feline residents outnumbering the
human population by about eight to one,
it’s a must-visit for all cat lovers!
Although once a bustling fishing island,
there are now only a handful of human
2. Description of
residents left on Aoshima.
features: the
The cat population is thriving, however.
number of
Originally introduced to help the fishermen 19
human residents
by keeping the mouse population in check,
vs. that of cats
they are now YouTube sensations and the
island’s star attraction.
Although semi-feral, the cats on Aoshima
3. Description of
are used to human visitors.
features: the
Thanks to the recent boom in publicity, it’s
cats and the
not unusual to find a crowd of tourists
human visitors
attempting to befriend the kitties.
Luckily, with over 100 felines living on the
island, you won’t have to compete too
hard for their affection!